Simone-Christelle NgoMakon

févr. 10

Suicidal thoughts: 5 elements to overthrow, replace and break oppression.

Ayo beloved! Ohayou gozaimasu (お早うございます) light! Your value is immense in GOD's eyes, your life matters, your destiny matters, your ideas matter, GOD's image in you matters. Let your faith be born, let it grow, let it strengthen and bear good fruit. Don't be a copy, without revelation, of what others say, do, think, and are.

And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8, NKJV)

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of GOD ( the truth), and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to CHRIST. (2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV)

Yes, my soul, rest on GOD, for from him comes my hope. Yes, he is my rock and my salvation, my fortress: I shall not be shaken. On GOD rest my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, my refuge, is in GOD. At all times, peoples, trust in him, pour out your hearts before him! GOD is our refuge. (Psalm 62:6-9, Segond 21, french version of KJV)

🙂 If you haven't already read the previous two articles on suicidal thoughts, I urge you to do so before reading this article. There is no single, universal process for reversing suicidal thoughts. However, there are some essential elements.

Five elements are essential for healing the soul, reversing and replacing suicidal thoughts. They are the revelation of GOD's love, the revelation of truth, faith combined with prayers, communion with the HOLY SPIRIT, and personal commitment or consecration. You can replace revelation with understanding or becoming conscious. By personal commitment, I mean choosing freely, sincerely, and continually, to the best of one's knowledge and understanding, to listen to the HOLY SPIRIT, to obey the Word, and to keep away from sin. In other words, to live intentionally. This includes, for example, repenting, aspiring to discover and, fulfil one's destiny, resisting the enemy, exercising the authority received from JESUS to cast out demons, cultivating gratitude, talking to GOD, and praising GOD even when in pain.

I can sum up the five elements in one sentence: read the Word, study the Word, meditate on the Word, commune with the HOLY SPIRIT, pray and obey. GOD is in his Word. He reveals himself through his Word. He speaks through his Word. He heals through his Word. He answers prayers made in faith and in accordance with his will. The quality of the revelations you receive depends on the importance you give to GOD and his Word. JESUS says "... If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32, LSG) Suicidal thoughts are not overturned without a revelation of the word. Suicidal thoughts are replaced by revelations of the word. Oppression is not broken without a revelation of the word.

The revelation of GOD's love

Beyond being aware that GOD loves us, is being aware on the one hand, that love is the nature of GOD and on the other hand, of the characteristics ( specificities ) of GOD's love. If we don't have the right definition of what love is and what GOD's love is, no matter how much someone tells us that GOD loves us, it won't have any effect. The revelation of GOD's love enables us to receive his Word and to be ready to listen to GOD. We are naturally more willing to listen to those who love us, those we love, and those whose good intentions we are convinced of. For example, it is easier to forgive a medical error than a financial embezzlement. Why? Because a doctor takes an oath because he makes a solemn promise to do his utmost to heal and save.

❖ The revelation of truth

Love is the reason for truth, and truth is the testimony of love. Without love, there is no truth. Without truth, there is no proof of love. Love does not lie. Truth doesn't pretend. One of the reasons GOD never lies is because he loves. JESUS says that those who love him abide in his word (John 14:23-24). The revelation of truth exposes the devil, his methods, works, intentions, words, and demons. Truth liberates (John 8:32, Psalms 36:9, Psalms 119:105, John 14:6, John 11:25). Truth exposes to light what was hidden in darkness. Because we know the plans for peace that GOD has for us, that in CHRIST, everything is surmountable. Those who know the truth can discern the false. Those who know the truth can discern the lie. When the devil says our lives are useless, that suicide is the only option, we know he's lying. We stop listening to him, we stop pondering those lies, and we stop believing his lies. We answer the devil with the word of GOD. We listen to GOD, we look for what GOD says in his word, we clutch his word, we proclaim his word, and we pray with his word. Ignorance is no weapon against lies. To know the truth is not to be omniscient.

🙂 If you are oppressed by thoughts of suicide, I suggest you meditate on the three verses quoted at the beginning of this article.

 Faith combined with prayers and communion with the HOLY SPIRIT

The HOLY SPIRIT guides us in truth and prayer. He heals and restores the soul. He bears witness to JESUS. He is also called the Spirit of GOD, the Spirit of the LORD, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, the HOLY SPIRIT, the SPIRIT of CHRIST, the SPIRIT of JESUS, the SPIRIT of Grace, the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD (Genesis 1:2, John 16:13, Romans 8:9, Hebrews 10:29, Ephesians 4:30).

Communion with the HOLY SPIRIT means being in communication, listening, and speaking with the HOLY SPIRIT. Communion with the HOLY GHOST must be real, not superficial. To have an intimate relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT is to have a sincere, deep, authentic, personal relationship with him. To have an intimate relationship with someone is to have a sincere, deep, authentic, close, private relationship. This type of relationship can be associated with the words: family, friendship, companionship, and couple. Implied is that the people involved know each other, communicate, respect, appreciate, value, love, listen to and trust each other, talk about things they might not be able to talk about in public, and have quality time together. Such must be our relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT. Such a relationship is built, not imposed.

Prayer is not a monologue of requests and declarations. GOD is not deaf, dumb, ignorant or amnesiac. Prayer does not inform GOD. We don't pray for GOD to do what we want. We pray that he will accomplish his will in us, through us, and for us. This is the difference between those who think they can persuade GOD with their words and those who pray with faith.

I identify 14 types of prayer in the Bible: The prayer of praise and thanksgiving, the Worship prayer, the prayer of faith, the prayer of agreement, the prayer of petition, the prayer of consecration, the prayer of intercession, the prayer of blessing, declaration, and proclamation, the prayer of imprecation, of authority, more often called the warfare prayer or deliverance prayer, the prayer of supplication and childbirth (birth the will of GOD), the prayer in tongues, the prayer for repentance, the prayer for advisory, the prayer of the SPIRIT (when the HOLY SPIRIT prays within us). Not to be confused with the expression prayer by the SPIRIT or prayer led by the SPIRIT (the manner and the subjects).

If I don't believe that GOD loves me and can restore me, it will be hard for me to ask him for help. If I don't believe I've received authority from JESUS CHRIST over the power of the enemy, I won't dare condemn the works of the devil and cast out demons. If I am selfish, it will be difficult for me to pray for my neighbor. If I'm ungrateful and unsurprising, I tend not to thank GOD. If I'm proud, not surprisingly, I'll find it hard to pray prayers of repentance. The communion I have with the HOLY SPIRIT and the revelation I have of GOD and his Word, determine how I pray: what I say and how I say it.

Let's read a few verses :

  •  " Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word [Rhema, Strong n°4487, Greek] about CHRIST. (Romain 10:17, NIV).

  • "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word [Rhema, Strong n°4487, Greek] of CHRIST." (Romain 10:17).

  • "Now faith is a firm assurance of things [Hupostasis, Strong 5283, Greek] hoped for, a demonstration [Elegchos, Strong 5283, Greek] of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1, LSG).

Faith comes/is born of what we hear. Christian faith comes from hearing the rhema word of CHRIST. In other words, from a personal word anointed by CHRIST, a word that comes from the mouth of GOD (the FATHER, the SON, or the HOLY SPIRIT), a word taken from the Bible or the logos that GOD addresses to you personally, a word inspired by GOD for a specific circumstance, a word that GOD makes your own.

No one can impose himself on GOD, for GOD is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Transcendent, Immutable. So only GOD can impose himself on GOD. But there is only one GOD, and GOD is ONE. Omnipotence is proof that there is only one. For GOD has neither equals nor comparables. Since GOD is ONE and only GOD can impose Himself on GOD, then only GOD's revealed will can impose itself on GOD: faith. Faith that comes from the rhema word of CHRIST. Who is CHRIST? The word logos made flesh, salvation, light, the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Resurrection, the fullness of the FATHER's will, the testimony and proof of the FATHER, the face of the FATHER: GOD. Faith is not about imposing one's will on GOD. It's agreeing with GOD.

JESUS tells those who believe that if they meditate on his word logos, they will have a revelation, a knowledge revealed by the HOLY SPIRIT, a continual (fresh) and contextual understanding of his word. In other words, they will receive rhema words through which they will be set free. They will be delivered from lies, false reasoning, curses, soul wounds, idolatry, demonic influences, worldly culture, and so on. They will think like me.

They will receive rhema words, with which, they will agree to pray. They will receive rhema words, with which, they will keep their soul in obedience. They will receive rhema words, with which they will resist the devil and respond to the devil. From these rhema words, a true and continuous conviction of my love, my will, my ability, my presence and my support will be born. From these words rhema will be born a faith with which they will overcome adversity and face persecution. From these words rhema, a faith will be born with which they will keep the peace of CHRIST. From these rhema words, a firm faith will be born that will move mountains, that will bring into existence what is not and demonstrate what cannot be seen. They will receive rhema words, decrees of application 🙂 Let's stop for a moment and pray in tongues.

❖ L'engagement personnel ou la consécration :

DIEU nous aime mais il ne s'imposera pas à nous. Il ne nous sauvera pas si nous ne voulons pas être sauvés. Il ne nous conduira pas si nous ne voulons pas être conduits ou si tu ne veux pas te repentir. Il nous demande pas de faire des pas de géants. Il nous demande de nous accorder avec lui. C'est avec DIEU, que nous faisons des exploits. Il ne nous demande pas de faire ce dont nous n'avons pas la capacité de faire. S'il nous demande de faire quelque chose, c'est parce qu'il sait qu'il nous a donné la capacité de le faire.

GOD loves us, but he won't force himself on us. He won't save us if we don't want to be saved. He won't lead us if we don't want to be led or if you don't want to repent. He doesn't ask us to take giant steps. He is asking us to agree with him. With GOD, we make exploits. He doesn't ask us to do what we don't have the capabilityty to do. If he asks us to do something, it's because he knows he's given us the ability to do it.

GOD has given us free will: the freedom to choose. He does his part, he helps us to do our part, he shows us how to do our part, he enables us to do our part, but he won't do our part for us. Even if he happens to do our part, he won't always and he won't do everything for us. The greatest commandments are to love GOD, to love ourselves as GOD loves us and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 22: 36-37, Psalm 103:2). The greatest commandment is to love GOD with all our heart, soul and strength. From this commandment flow the others. Observing this commandment enables us to respect others.

GOD will not abandon you. Don't forsake him. Don't commit suicide. He has wonderful plans for your life. He has already given his life so that you may live. Come to CHRIST, live in CHRIST, and stay in CHRIST.

** Ayo = Good morning in Filipino (Philippines)

** Ohayou gozaimasu (お早うございます) = "Good morning" in Japanese

*** You're warmly invited to our online prayer meetings. Write to us.
