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1001 Prayer Topics: #5 - People with Mental Illness

Ndeewo brother of Caleb! Grüss Gott sister of Joshua! No supernatural experience is above the authority of the word of CHRIST. " For there is no spell against Jacob and no divination against Israel. It will now be said of Jacob and Israel, ‘ What great things GOD has done! " (Numbers 23:23, Berean Standard Bible). May angels strike down anyone (demon, principality or human spirit) who tries to influence or manipulate your dreams. Let any delegation of sorcerers heading for your house or those in alliance with yours be intercepted and struck down. Open your mouth and speak. Ask the FATHER to strengthen the angelic escort of those who sit at the gates of your city. You can forbid and condemn manipulation, blackmail and spiritual bargaining (Revelation 18). Woe to anyone who has dared and will dare to haggle over your house. In the name of JESUS says: not in my house, not in our house and never in our descendants. For we and our houses will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15). We will proclaim his goodness and our lives will reveal his glory! I'd love to share your prayer topics 🙂 Write me, and I'll publish yours.

Mental health defines psychological, emotional and cognitive well-being. A mental illness is a set of disturbances in thoughts, emotions and/or behavior reflecting a biological, psychological, cognitive functions and/or demonic oppressions, resulting in distress for the person concerned to perceive, adapt and interact in his environment. This includes difficulties in learning, working and social relationships. The mental disorders can be observed by the person, his family or his entourage.

Examples of cognitive functions are:

  • Attention: ability to concentrate for a certain period of time, to do two things at the same time.

  • Memory: ability to retain visual and verbal information in the short and long term.

  • Working memory: manipulating information in memory (e.g. mental arithmetic).

  • Executive functions: ability to organize oneself, to set up strategies to face unusual situations.

  • Visual-spatial functions: the ability to orient oneself and find one's way around.

  • Social cognition: the ability to understand others, to identify different emotions and to correctly interpret one's environment.

Mental illnesses are caused by the interaction between biological, genetic, psychological, social factors and/or demonic oppression. An illness can be triggered in children, adolescents or adults without distinction, if sufficient risk factors are present. The onset of mental disorders can be gradual or sudden. In addition to the symptoms specific to a psychiatric illness, affected children and adolescents show signs specific to their age and/or development (e.g., gifted children, adolescents with high intellectual or emotional potential). On average, diagnosing a mental illness in a child takes twice as long as in an adult. But the most difficult thing is not to establish the diagnosis, but to define a treatment and an adapted accompaniment.

A mental illness is not:

  • A moral weakness, deviant behavior, an excuse to commit an illegal act.

  • A normal reaction to a stressful situation or an unfortunate event, such as a relocation, persecution, war, natural disaster, a break-up of a relationship, a miscarriage, the death of a loved one or the loss of a job. An illness is when the mental disorder or reactive psychological distress is long-lasting and causes distress.

Different types of disorders:

  • Personality disorders and borderline personality.

  • Post-traumatic disorders.

  • Depression (when recurrent or severe)

  • Eating Disorders (ED) : anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, unspecified eating disorders.

  • Schizophrenia : abnormal functioning of certain neuronal circuits in the brain. Today, we speak of schizophrenias rather than schizophrenia, because depending on the character and environment of the person, the symptoms of the disease will be very different.

  • Bipolar disorders, formerly called manic-depressive psychosis.

  • Anxiety disorders.

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

  • Pathological gambling: persistent and repeated maladaptive gambling that causes clinically significant distress to the person who engages in it.

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are as many forms of autism as there are cases. This is why the term "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)" is preferred to "Autism". This new terminology has the advantage of encompassing conditions such as Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) and Asperger's Syndrome. Neurodevelopmental disorders are behavioral and cognitive disorders that occur during development and result in significant difficulties in the acquisition and performance of specific intellectual, motor, language or social functions.

In 2019, the World Health Organization announced that one in eight people in the world, or 12.5% of the world's population, suffer from a mental disorder. Today, it is estimated that one in two people, personally or through a loved one, is or has been confronted with a mental illness.

As long as you are alive, it is possible to save lives. The time for miracles has not passed. GOD still heals. JESUS still delivers. The HOLY SPIRIT still works. Miracles will accompany those who believe, and answers will accompany those who pray. I propose to you to pray :

  • Alternate between speaking in tongues and speaking in intelligence.

  • Give thanks and bless our FATHER for what he will do through your prayer.

  • Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to inspire you.

  • Ask for forgiveness of offenses and mercy.

  • Invoke the covering of the blood of JESUS and quote the scriptures.

  • Order an end to demonic oppression.

  • Raise your voice against exhaustion, isolation and harassment.

  • What word does the HOLY SPIRIT put in your heart? What verses or promises does he draw your attention to?

  • Ask for salvation, deliverance and healing of the sick. May they receive the guidance and treatment they need.

  • May peace and joy be theirs to share.

  • May the Gospel reach the greatest number of people and may souls be restored.

  • Ask for miracles and the intervention of the angelic ministry.

  • Pray for medical advances and for those involved in the medical, educational and social sectors.

  • Pray for discernment, training, equipping and support in churches and Christian associations.

  • Ask JESUS to lead the steps of his disciples and to inspire the words of his messengers.

  • Remember women who are pregnant and mentally ill,

  • Remember those who are mentally ill and serving in the military or in an institution for children.

  • Pray in tongues, do not limit yourself to what I have written.

  • Take the opportunity to prophesy about your descendants and the descendants of your descendants.

  • Decree spiritual prohibitions against mental illness in the place where you are established.

  • GOD will remember you in the day of trouble.

  • Amen

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. (1 Timothy 2:1, NIV)

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. (Matthew 10:8, Berean Standard Bible)

Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. (Proverbs 24:11, NIV)

And these are the signs which shall follow them that believe: They shall cast out devils in my name; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; when they drink any deadly drink, it shall not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they shall be healed. (Mark 16: 17-18, Ostervald)

** Ndeewo = Good morning in Igbo (Nigeria)

** Grüss Gott = Good morning in Austrian

*** I identify 14 types of prayer in the Bible : The prayer of praise and thanksgiving, the Worship prayer, the prayer of faith, the prayer of agreement, the prayer of petition, the prayer of consecration, the prayer of intercession, the prayer of blessing, declaration and proclamation, the prayer of imprecation, of authority, more often called the warfare prayer or deliverance prayer, the prayer of supplication and childbirth (birth the will of GOD), the prayer in tongues, the prayer for repentance, the prayer for advisory, the prayer of the SPIRIT (when the HOLY SPIRIT prays within us). Not to be confused with the expression prayer by the SPIRIT or prayer led by the SPIRIT (the manner and the subjects).

Suggestions for moving forward (non-exhaustive list)

  • GOD's Word on Divine Healing (Spiritual Growth), by Kenneth E. Hagin

  • I Believe in Visions, by Kenneth E. Hagin

  • Seven Things You Should Know About Divine Healing, by Kenneth E. Hagin

  • L'Autorité du Croyant, (traduction de The Believer's Authority), by Kenneth E. Hagin

  • Right and Wrong Thinking by Kenneth E. Hagin

  • Le Champ de Bataille de la Pensée (traduction de Battlefield of the Mind), by Joyce Meyer

  • Helping Victims of Sexual Abuse: a sensitive Biblical guide for counselors, victims and families, by Lynn Heitritter and Jeanette Vought.

  • Deliverance and Inner Healing, by John Loren Standford and Mark Standford

  • A Manual for Children's Deliverance, by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond

  • Pigs in the Parlor, by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond

  • Ils chasseront les démons (traduction de : They Shall Expel Demons), by Derek prince

  • 101 Tactics for Spiritual Warfare, by Jennifer Leclaire

  • Complete Deliverance (Part 1, 2,3) | Apostle Joshua Selman



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