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Aubin know as "Prince K-Mer", is a gospel rapper

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Kamusta bouiling for CHRIST ! May the joy of the LORD be your strength! In his book Redéfinir Louange Adoration Culte (Redefining Praise Worship Worship), the Pastort and music singer Athoms Mbuama wrote " Praise is not synonymous with dancing music and worship is not synonymous with languid hymn." In itself, every Christian artist is not a worship leader and not every worship leader is a singer. Beyond the melody, check the message. Last week, I met the fiancé of the lovely Amandine: Aubin, alias Prince K-Mer.

"I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth; yea, I will praise him among the multitude." (Psalms 109:30).

** Good morning Aubin, could you tell us who you are?

Good morning Simone-Christelle, my name is Aubin, artist name "Prince K-mer". Son of GOD, born again in 2000. I am a telecom project manager. I rap, but more generally I do urban music. I started twelve years ago in Cameroon (my country) and arrived in France to continue my studies, I continued.

** Why "Prince K-Mer" ?

One Sunday, during a service, my Pastor was talking about identity. Among others, Son and Prince. GOD being King, we, his sons, are Princes. K-Mer in reference to my country Cameroon.

** How did you meet the LORD?

My mother and fellowship. My mother converted first: new birth and baptism of the Holy Spirit. My father continued to attend the Catholic Church, but she took us with her to revival churches. One day, I simply decided to follow JESUS.

** How did you start to rap?

I wasn't interested in rap when I started out. Two friends felt that I had a nice tone of voice and invited me to join their group. I was not very convinced. Faced with their insistence, I joined the group, more to "learn to sing" than anything else. Then they had the idea to add some rap passages in some songs. The group was getting younger. I was asked to try rapping and that's how I started.

** How did you start in France?

I truly bless the LORD for my mother and these connections. I did not come to France with the idea of pursuing rap. He put the right people around me. They helped me maintain the gift. They gave me software, hardware, and music. My very first invitation to a concert was made thanks to them. Someone told about me, someone who was someone's cousin.

** Well, your friends are talent scouts. The proof that it is often through others that the HOLY SPIRIT reveals our talents to us. The reaction of those around you ?

No negative remarks from my parents. I was continuing my studies and I did not use rude expressions. This did not prevent many from coming on deterrence missions. Saying rap is not music for GOD. There were some who came to "evangelize" us at the end of the concerts. We talked about GOD in our songs, but they weren't listening.

**We will say that the bad reputation of rap precedes rappers and feeds prejudices in those who listen to them. As a teenager, I used to listen to rap while being a good student speaking very good French. I didn't listen to anything because my mother wouldn't allow it. But I've always thought that rap is a style of expression before it is a musical genre.

** I am going to say sentences taken from your songs, and I suggest that you comment on them.

>> "For me, it's a lifestyle, it's not just a little ritual."

Here I am talking about prayer. It is not a ritual reserved for a particular occasion, but rather an act of every moment. Above all, it is a way of communicating with GOD at any time.

>> "Silence ... It is her pain that she wishes to make up."

So far, Silence is the title that has marked me the most. It's the story of a young girl who was abused by her father. Reading the feedback from those who have listened to the track, I realized that these kinds of stories are more common than you might imagine. Unfortunately, it is very easy for us to judge and accuse people without knowing their history.

>> "Your blessings will be greater than your trials."

It is a phrase of encouragement that I give to the listener (me first). A way of remembering that each ordeal allows us to grow and come out stronger. So, an encouragement to stand firm despite what we can go through that is difficult and not give up.

** Do you serve in your local church?

Yes, I serve in the Ministry of Youth. I give tutoring lessons.

** How did you become SEL ambassador?

SEL is a Protestant association of international solidarity. The association is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. I particularly like their way of doing things. They work with associations that already exist in the countries where they operate and wish to intervene, in order to enable them to do better what they are already doing. We know what they do and where the donations go.

** What would you say to a person who feels too dirty for JESUS?

We are never too dirty for JESUS.

** Your advice to those who wish to launch into music or artistic projects?

Evaluate your motivations. Don't make music to be famous. Especially if you choose to put GOD's name forward. It was frustrating to hear people tell me that rap is a devil's music. All in all, it allowed me to question myself: Why I was doing rap? I understood their apprehension because rap has a bad reputation. On the other hand, I knew I was doing, what GOD wanted me to do: I was at my place (in my shoes).

Do not be like such or to please such. Find your style and be patient. Recognition can take time. It can go fast, just like it can take time. One title can be a hit and the next one not. Patience allows us to judge our motivations. If we do this to be seen or to earn money very quickly, we will quickly become discouraged, give up or grab the devil's hand. I'm proud of where I am, but I know I still have a long way to go.

** The last book you read?

The last I read was 500 Paroles de Sagesse by Pastor Marcello J. Tunasi.

** Your final word ?

The best way to be successful is to accomplish what GOD created us to do. Success is not to amass large sums of money, but to understand the purpose of one's existence, in order to prepare for one's eternity.

Thank you Aubin, for your sincerity and your availability. Thank you for doing what GOD asks you to do. It is in obedience that we become GOD's instruments to bless others. He is the one who makes the connections and brings us closer to the friends of our destiny. May the LORD bless your union with Amandine and may your couple go from glory to glory.

** Kamusta = Good morning in Tagalog language (Philippines).


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