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Don't let anyone do your hair or your children's hair

Avuxeni postérité d'Abraham! Properly understood and applied, GOD's Word provides the answers to all life's questions. Know his Word, understand what it means and apply it to your life. Blessed are those who trust in the LORD and place their hope in him (Jeremiah 17:7).

" See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:24, NIV)
" One day in your courtyards is better than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather stand in the entrance to my ELOHIM's house than live inside wicked people’s homes." (Psalm 84: 10, NOG)

Just as we shouldn't accept every gift (the article), we shouldn't accept to be hair dressed by anyone, anyhow and anywhere. I'm not saying we should be suspicious, distrustful and full of prejudice. Nor am I saying that we should be exclusively coiffed by Christians, people we know personally, or who are recommended to us by loved ones. I'm not saying that a Christian hairdresser should only do the hair of Christians.

But it would be naïve to believe that getting your hair done by anyone can be without consequences. The question isn't whether this person is Christian or not, good or bad, recommended or not. The question isn't even whether this person has tattoos and piercings. The question is what inner witness does the HOLY SPIRIT give you? What's going on while you're doing this person's hair, or after this person has done your hair? What are you exposing your ears to when this person does your hair? Unsurprisingly, Christians living in predominantly animist, Buddhist, Hindu or Shinto areas are more aware of this principle than those living in Judeo-Christian areas.

Do you remember what an angel to to the mother of Sanson? " The Messenger of Yahweh appeared to her and said, “You’ve never been able to have a child, but now you will become pregnant and have a son. Now you must be careful. Don’t drink any wine or liquor or eat any unclean food. You’re going to become pregnant and have a son. You must never cut his hair because the boy will be a Nazirite dedicated to Elohim from birth. He will begin to rescue Israel from the power of the Philistines.” (Judges 13 : 3-5, NOG)

What if an angel said to you, don't let just anyone do that child's hair? What if the HOLY SPIRIT told you to stop doing that person's hair? GOD has specific graces and recommendations for everyone in every season. Being a professional hairdresser in a predominantly Hindu country is not the same as being a professional hairdresser in a predominantly Christian country. That said, GOD never calls for nothing. If the inner testimony is not good, stop, pray and ask for advice if necessary. There are some invitations you just have to turn down. There are invitations for which you must pray earnestly before answering. If a voodoo sorcerer asks you to do his hair and the HOLY SPIRIT tells you no, no matter how much he offers, refuse his offer.

We all understand that we shouldn't let anyone lay hands on us in any way, let alone anywhere. Why would it be difficult to understand that it's good to declare the covering of JESUS' blood on one's head before allowing someone to do our hair? Why would it be difficult to understand that it's good to question the HOLY SPIRIT before authorizing a person to do your children's hair? Frankly, to me, it's just common sense. Even if that person is styling GOD's servants, you have a personal responsibility to ask the HOLY SPIRIT to talk to you or stop you if something is wrong. Whether the HOLY SPIRIT says yes, or no, he knows why. It may be because that person, the spirit influencing him or her, the spiritual atmosphere of the place (your home or the hairdressing salon), the products he or she uses, the season you're currently in, the gift he has placed in you or the anointing he has placed on you.

"Love does not suspect evil." (1 Corinthians 13:5). Amen, but let's not be naive. "All things are lawful, but all things are not good." (1 Corinthians 10:23) Amen too. Let's not suspect, let's not presume, but let's question and listen to the HOLY SPIRIT 🙂 By the way if you don't already, I encourage you to lay your hand on your head or your child's head declaring the covering of the blood of JESUS before allowing anyone to do your hair or your children's hair. If you're a barber, hairdresser, hairdresser, or make-up artist, declare the covering of the blood of JESUS on your hands before you start your day.

** Avuxeni = Good morning in tsonga or xitsonga (South Africa).


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