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Maintain yourself with psalms, hymns and canticles (differences #3)

Good morning disciple of CHRIST! May the word of CHRIST dwell in you and inspire your prayers. Open your mouth and condemn the works of the enemy. The LORD divided the sea so that the Jewish people could cross (Exodus 14:16-21). Then he closed the sea so they could never go back (Exodus 14:26-27). May you never go backwards. May what dominated you yesterday never again control or influence you.

Maintain yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and praising the LORD with all your heart; giving thanks continually for all things to GOD the FATHER, in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, submitting one to another in the fear of CHRIST. (Ephesians 5:19-21, Segond 21, french translation of NKJV)

" May the Word [logos, Strong's no. 3650, Greek] of CHRIST dwell among you in all its richness: may it inspire you with full wisdom, to instruct and warn one another, or to sing psalms, hymns and SPIRIT-inspired songs to GOD with all your heart to express your gratitude to GOD." Colossians 3:16)

The psalms are poems about GOD, his words, promises and works. The psalms transmit the scriptures (verses of the Bible). They can be chanted, sung, recited, prayed and personalized. Those who like to sing or know how to play an instrument will sing. GOD can inspire a melody to accompany a psalm. He can give the melody before the words or vice versa the words before the melody. Just as he can give a vision before his interpretation or give a word and then confirm it with a vision.

There are two ways of defining hymns. Under the Old Covenant, hymns are songs of praise and adoration addressed to GOD. Under the New Covenant, hymns are also teachings transmitted in song. Mostly on the themes of fundamental doctrines, the sacrifice of JESUS and the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT. As with the psalms, GOD can inspire the melody before the words, and vice versa.

Spiritual hymns are exhortations, prayers and testimonies conveyed in song. Hymns remind us that GOD is present, hears and still acts. There are many types of prayer. A spiritual song reveals a specific word of the HOLY SPIRIT. It may be a rhema word, a word of encouragement, a word of exhortation, or a prophetic word. As with the psalms, GOD may inspire the melody before the words, and vice versa.

Musical rhythm defines the genre, not the nature of a song. It's the words and theme of the song that determine whether it's a psalm, hymn, canticle, praise or worship. Sometimes a song begins as a psalm and ends as a hymn or canticle, depending on the purpose, revelation or testimony of the person singing. For example, if a Sunday School teacher's objective is to help his students memorize a verse, he will favor a psalm. As another example, intercessors frequently begin with praise from the psalms, continue with worship from hymns and end with spiritual songs.

Some people think that hymns are more important than psalms and anthems. I don't agree with them. When I asked the HOLY SPIRIT about this, it answered me by referring me to the following verses:

  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (every scripture inspired by GOD is useful), Ecclesiastes 3:1 (There is a time for everything),

  • Job 33:14 (GOD speaks in different ways),

  • 1 Corinthians 14:4 (prophecy edifies, exhorts and comforts),

  • Jude 1:20 (he who prays or sings in tongues edifies himself)

  • Joshua 1:8 (know and meditate on the Word),

In short: psalms are important as hymns and canticles. In my opinion, the reason why some people think hymns are the most important is because they associate psalms with the Old Covenant and hymns with past generations. Not least because of the evolution of languages and the emergence of new musical genres. The HOLY SPIRIT inspired the Bible writers and is the one who leads us into the truth in JESUS CHRIST. He inspires psalms, hymns and canticles.

To maintain something is to take care of it in order to protect it, ensure its longevity, preserve or improve its capabilities or performance. In his letter to the Ephesians (Ephesians 5:19-21), the apostle Paul exhorts us to nurture ourselves with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. The maintenance referred to in this verse is that of soul and spirit. Through psalms, hymns and canticles, we are in communion with GOD and with one another. We are edified, we prophesy, and we pray. Besides, there are demons and sorcerers who cannot stand praise and worship. I write this from knowledge, observation and personal experience. If you cultivate the habit of listening to and broadcasting praises and hymns, in your home, car or hospital room, you will notice changes in the spiritual atmosphere.

In the letter to the Colossians (Colossians 3:16), he addresses a similar exhortation to the Ephesians, saying that we must be inspired by the Word of CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT. Another way of saying that psalms, hymns and songs must be in accord with the Word of CHRIST or the mind of CHRIST. The LORD must be questioned and discerned.

🙂 What you expose yourself to, influences your life. You become what you meditate on, and what you proclaim will be fulfilled in your life. Your words reflect your feelings and thoughts. Your thoughts feed your feelings. If you spend your time listening to and meditating on what is contrary to CHRIST, you will think contrary to CHRIST, act contrary to CHRIST and have no defense against what is contrary to CHRIST.

There are people who want to cast out demons, but don't want to give up world music. Worse, there are people who play instruments in churches on Sundays, but during the week live in sexual immorality, playing instruments for artists who publicly invoke demons in their songs and during their concerts. We must denounce and distance ourselves from such people. There is nothing of CHRIST in the devil and there is nothing of the devil in CHRIST (John 14:30). CHRIST is truth and life (John 14:16, John 10:17-18). The devil is a liar, a thief, a cutthroat and a destroyer (John 8:44, John 10:10). Who do you choose to listen to?


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