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Youth in Prayer #1: Reading and understanding the Bible

Sawabona youth! GOD loves children and youth. He loves you abundantly. He loves you very, very, very much, and extraordinarily much! Like a good father, he lifts you up when you fall, encourages you when you walk, and congratulates you when you cross the bar. He rejoices in your interest in his word. You are beloved.

Let our sons in their youth be like plants full grown, And our daughters like corner pillars fashioned for a palace. (Psalm 144:12, AMP)
" People were bringing children to Him (JESUS) so that He would touch and bless them, but the disciples reprimanded them and discouraged them [from coming]. But when JESUS saw this, He was indignant and He said to them, “Allow the children to come to Me; do not forbid them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.” And He took the children [one by one] in His arms and blessed them [with kind, encouraging words], placing His hands on them." (MarK 10:13-16, AMP)

It's important to read the Bible. Better still, it's important to understand the Bible. It is inspired by GOD (2 Timothy 3.16). Because through it, GOD speaks to us, instructs us, guides us, heals us, corrects us, delivers us, encourages us and enlightens us. It is also through the Bible that he first reveals to us how much he loves us, how precious we are, how to avoid the devil's traps, how to get through difficult times, overcome sorrows, disappointments and failures. Through his word, he shows us that we must never be discouraged or lose hope 🙂 What a wonderful grace it is to learn to read the Bible in childhood or youth!

References: 2 Timothy 3:16, Psalms 119:05, Psalms 119:130, John 8:32, Matthew 4:4.

I invite you to ask GOD for the grace to read and understand the Bible. I invite you to ask him to put into us the will and the do. I join your faith and say Amen to your prayer. Below is mine to inspire you.


Thank you for your Word and the good translations of your Word.

I understand that your Word is good, precious, true and indispensable for growth.

Thank you for what I can see, read and hear.

Help me to read, understand and love your Word.

Help me cultivate the habit of reading it.

Give me the courage to ask questions.

Help me memorize the verses that are important for my life.

Help me to enjoy reading your Word.

Inspire those who teach me your Word and help them to teach me well.

Teach me to consider your Word every day of my life.

I thank you in advance, for I know that you are faithful, that you love me and that my faith is pleasing to you.

In JESUS CHRIST, my great brother, I pray.


** Sawabona = _Good morning in Zulu (South Africa)



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