Mè yéga women of faith ! Barka dai breach repairer! Bless the fruit of your womb! May your house serve the LORD and may it please Him to make it a house of prophets. May his lamp be on your head and may his light guide you every day of your life. Following my two previous articles on JESUS (my Redeemer et my Truth), I come today with the one on JESUS my triumph.
1 John 5:4-5 (AMP) : For everyone born of GOD is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in JESUS the Son of GOD]. Who is the one who is victorious and overcomes the world? It is the one who believes and recognizes the fact that JESUS is the Son of GOD.
Colossians 2:15 (AMP) : When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross.
A triumph is commonly defined as:
The solemn entry of a Roman general who had won a great victory.
A resounding victory at the end of a great trial or a fight.
The Bible does not tell us exactly when the angels were created. However, we know that they already existed long before the creation of the human race (Adamic and pre-Adamic). satan whose name means the adversary (strong n°4566, Greek), is also called the devil, meaning the slanderer, the accuser (strong n°1228, Greek) was created long before Adam and Eve. Previously, he was the angel Lucifer. He enjoyed a number of privileges. He prided himself, and persuaded a third of the angels to join his revolt against GOD (Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28). He has a certain power, has evil powers. Furthermore, he masters the cunning and art of disguise. JESUS says of him "He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44).
In various passages, the Bible reveals to us that the Archangel Micäel, is the one best equipped to fight satan (Daniel 10: 13-21; Revelation 12: 7; Daniel 12: 1; Jude 1: 9). As we know, the angel Michael whose name means "Who is like GOD? " (strong n° 4317, Hebrew) Is not just some angel. If it is not given to all the angels to fight satan, it is therefore that he is a tough opponent. He is a terrible and experienced adversary. For more than 2000 years he has been observing Men and studying their weak points. Without the assistance of the LORD, no human being has the capacity to resist Him.
But GOD does not impose himself on Man. He gave us free will: the freedom to choose Him or to reject Him. Either we choose to follow Him, and therefore obey Him, or we ignore Him and therefore end up disobeying Him.
The LORD being the creator of all things, he knows perfectly each of his creations. He knows what they are made of, what they are capable and incapable of. He is Omniscient and Almighty. He could in a second destroy the devil and the demons. But because of the Love, He has for us, He could not do so without first granting us Salvation. I will develop this point further in my article on JESUS my Justice. However, I want to clarify that JESUS fought for us out of love and not because He had something to prove. The devil is no match for the LORD: he is only a creation. The LORD is GOD by his nature (Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Transcendent, Immutable). He is GOD, not a deity.

JESUS shed his glory making himself like men (Philippians 2: 7-8). He was tempted in all things without committing sin (Hebrews 4:15). Which means that he was confronted with all the tricks and proposals of the devil. He was tempted by the devil, satan made proposals to him (Matthew 4: 1-11). But He never succumbed, never temptation was found in Him, He never had the desire to do bad things or to say bad things. He was faced with all the penalties. He suffered rejection, jealousy, betrayal, contempt, threats, mockery, name-calling, backbiting, and persecution from men. Not only that, but he was publicly whipped and crucified naked. He has known the pain of every victim of abuse. In spite of everything, He loved: in words and in deeds.
He triumphed in spirit, in the soul, and in the body. He triumphed over the world, over the devil of principalities and demons.
He triumphed in spirit. He kept the awareness of the truth, who He was, what his mission was. He kept communion with the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT. He worshiped in spirit and in truth.
He triumphed in the soul. His will has always been that of GOD the FATHER: the Salvation of Men. He used his intelligence and wisdom to teach and to exhort. He shared what He knew. His feelings were pure, his compassion real and his humility evident. He is genuine (authentic). He started in Love, and He ended in Love by blessing men. There is no grudge or bitterness in Him.
He triumphed in his body. He experienced thirst, hunger, fatigue (John 4: 6) and pain (Mark 15:15; Luke 22:63; John 19: 1). He ate the men's meals, but his body did not suffer from any infirmity or disease.
He triumphed over the world. He neither conformed nor associated himself with the practices of the world. He was the Light that shines in darkness. The perfect example of what we can be, do and say in a hostile environment. By Him, we can say that it is possible to be successful with GOD's methods. He demonstrated that the end does not justify the means. He confused the wise men of the world.
He triumphed over natural laws. He was resurrected on the third day (John 20: 26-27). He walked on water. He is the one to whom creation obeys (Mark 4: 35-41; Matthew 21:19, Mark 6:48). He healed the sick, raised the dead, and performed miracles like no one before Him. I could list you the miracles of JESUS mentioned in the Bible, but it is better that you discover them by reading the Gospels.
He triumphed over the devil, principalities, and demons. He ridiculed satan. He is the first to receive the authority to cast out demons and destroy their works.
He is the one whose name is above all other names (Philippians 2: 9). His name is above creation, Men, circumstances, infirmities, diseases, sin, the devil, principalities, demons, angels and all the names given to GOD in the Old Testament. It is by his name that today men perform miracles and cast out demons. JESUS triumphed not so that we did not know any adversity. He triumphed so that we in turn could triumph. We will not all experience the same adversities. Some have the grace to benefit from the victories of previous generations while others are the first converts of a family or the pioneers of a nation.
According to figures from the NGO Open Doors, more than 340 million Christians are severely persecuted or discriminated against because of their faith every year. In 2020, more than 4,700 Christians were murdered and more than 4,200 are being held in prison because of their faith. It is written "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And GOD is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13, NKJV)
If we keep the faith as we fulfill our destiny, the works of our faith will lead others to salvation. They will be the testimony (beyond our personal triumph) that our faith was not in vain. Since it comes from our hearing (continual present) the Word (Rhema) of CHRIST (Romans 10:17), our faith was born and is born of GOD. Since it was born of GOD, it triumphs. So, despite circumstances and adversities, we celebrate the one who has eternal triumph: JESUS.
** Barka dai = Good morning in Hausa language (Cameroon, Chad)
** Mè yéga = Good morning (also means Thank You) in Bassa language (Cameroon)