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The parables of Jesus: the list

Vanakkam almond tree!  Dia dhuit olive tree! May the joy of the LORD never leave you. Acquire the treasures of the word from your youth. May your progress be constant.

** Vanakkam = Good morning in Tamil (India)

** Dia dhuit = Good morning in Irish Gaelic

Parables are teachings based on analogies or comparisons drawn from nature, everyday situations or events. JESUS often spoke in parables. How would you like to study his parables?

The list

  1. The house built on rock or The wise and foolish builders ( Matthew 7: 24-27 ; Luke 6: 47-49 )

  2. The light of the world or the lamp on the candlestick ( Mark 4: 21-22 ; Luke 8:16 , Luke 11:33, Matthew 5: 14-15 )

  3. Salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13)

  4. New cloth on an old coat ( Matthew 9:16; Mark 2:21; Luke 5:36)

  5. New wine and new wineskins (Mark 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37-38) 

  1. The lender or creditor who forgives debts (Luke 7: 41-43 )

  2. The compassionate master and the wicked servant (Matthew 18: 23-34 )

  3.  The rich fool who stores up treasures for himself ( Luke 12: 16-21 )

  4. Wild lilies and birds of the air (don't worry, seek the Kingdom and its justice first) Matthew 6:28-34

  5. Vigilant servants (Mark 13:35-37 ; Luke 12:35-40)

  6. The faithful servant and the wicked servant ( Matthew 24: 45-51 ; Luke 12: 42-48 )

  7. The narrow gate (Luke 13: 24-29)

  8. The parable of the land (Matthew 13:3-23 ; Mark 4:1-20 ; Luke 8:4-15)

  9. The fig tree without fruit (Luke 13: 6-9)

  10. The good seed and the tares ( Matthew 13: 24-43 )

  11. The seed that sprouts or the man who casts the seed into the ground (Mark 4:26-29)

  12. The mustard seed ( Matthew 13:31-32 ; Mark 4:30-32 ; Luke 13:18-19 )

  13. The Kingdom of GOD and leaven (Matthew 13:33, Luke 13:20 )

  14. The persistent widow and the iniquitous judge ( Luke 18: 1-8)

  15. The treasure hidden in a field (Matthew13:44)

  16. The Precious Pearl (Matthew 13: 45-46)

  17. Fishing net ( Matthew 13: 47-50 )

  18. Rewarding the sheep and judging the goats ( Matthew 25: 31-46)

  19. The door and the sheep or the shepherd and the thief ( John 10:1-18 )

  20. The instructed scribe ( Matthew 13:52 )

  21. The mote and the beam (Matthew 7:3-5, Luke 6:4)

  22. The lost Brebi ( Matthew 18: 12-14, Luke 15: 4-7 )

  23. The lost coin or the woman with 10 coins( Luke 15: 8-10)

  24. The prodigal son ( Luke 15: 11-32)

  25. The obedient servant or the one who does what his master tells him to do ( Luke 17: 7-10 )

  26. The Good Samaritan ( Luke 10:30-37 )

  27. The unwelcome friend or the friend who gives to his friend in need ( Luke 11: 5-8 )

  28. The guests who choose the first places ( Luke 14: 7-14 )

  29. The Pharisee and the tax collector or the prayer of the Pharisee and the prayer of the tax collector ( Luke 18: 10-14 )

  30. The selfish rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31)

  31. The wedding of the king's son or the last guests at the wedding banquet of the king's son ( Luke 14:16-24, Matthew 22:2-14 )

  32. The wise man who assesses the expense before starting a project, or the king who examines his ability before going to war ( Luke 14 :28-33 )

  33. The dishonest and cautious steward ( Luke 16: 1-8 )

  34. The first and last workers in the vineyard ( Matthew 20: 1-16 )

  35. The tallents or the king and the ten servants ( Luke 19: 12-27, Matthew 25:14-30 )

  36. The two sons (obedience is better than words) ( Matthew 21:28-32)

  37. The rejected stone or the wicked vinedressers ( Matthew 21:33-44 ; Mark 12:1-11 ; Luke 20:9-18 )

  38. The comparison drawn from the fig tree or the discernment of the times ( Matthew 24 :32-35 ; Mark 13 :28-29 ; Luke 21 :29-31 )

  39. The ten virgins or the foolish and wise virgins ( Matthew 25: 1-13 )

  40. Men of this generation or children sitting in the marketplace (Luke 7:31-35)

  41. The prayer to the Lord of the harvest or the prayer of supplication for the workers (Matthew 9:37-38)

  42. Satan's kingdom and the strong man (Mark 3:23-27)

  43. Wild lilies and birds of the air (don't worry, seek the Kingdom and its justice first) Matthew 6:28-34


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