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JESUS my Truth (Series : Who is JESUS ?)

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Guten Morgen, building under construction. Let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no". Don't be unstable or quick in your decisions. Ask for the LORD's consent and measure your commitments.

John 14.6 :" JESUS saith unto him, I am the way, the truth [Aletheia], and the life: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by me."

Psalms 119 : 160 (LS)Thy word [dabar] is true [emeth] from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever."

1 Peter 1:25 : " But the word [Rhema] of the LORD endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. "

John 1:1-4 "1 In the beginning was the Word [logos], and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD. 2 The same was in the beginning with GOD. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men."

According to the dictionaries, truth is generally defined as "that which is attested to be in conformity with reality, with an idea or with a fact".In the Bible, four words are most often translated as truth.

  • Amen (strong #281, Greek) for " in truth ".

  • Yatstsiyb (strong #3330, Hebrew) for " true, certainly, certain ".

  • Emeth (strong #571, Hebrew) for " fidelity, truth, true, faithfully, integrity, assurance, good faith, security ".

  • Aletheia (strong #225, Greek) for "Truth, certainly, indeed, veracity, sincerely"

The Teacher and Evangelist Mamadou Philippe Karambiri said "The Will of GOD (logos) is a law, the wills of GOD (Rhema) are decrees of application."

What GOD the FATHER thinks, GOD the SON says it, and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT manifests it. The SON is GOD, before Abraham was, He is (John 8:58, Colossians 1:17). This SON called "the Word of GOD" (Revelation 19:13), is the one in whom, all the Will of GOD is. The FATHER being one with the Son (John 10:30), the SON is, therefore, spirit just like the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT.

A body was formed for the Word, the SON, so that he could sit among Men, and be the way by which they receive Salvation: his Life. JESUS is the name given to Him.

By his nature, GOD is Love, Truth, and Holiness. Truth is a testimony of his Love which always produces holy fruit because He is perfect. Since all things were made by his Word, nothing is decreed or manifested apart from that Word, then, that Word never lies. He says what the FATHER thinks and what he says is created automatically by THE SPIRIT. It's therefore impossible for him to lie. To Whom would he lie? To himself? Impossible: He is his own vis-à-vis and that would be contrary to her nature (2 Timothy 2:13). Would he lie to the creation? Impossible: creation is the fruit of his Word. If he lies, he creates a reality for himself. Holiness is his nature, so he could not create an impure, unhealthy reality. A cocoa tree does not produce papayas. Love cannot produce hatred. Truth cannot create a lie. Holiness only bears holy fruits.

JESUS my Redeemer, is my truth. I don't doubt what He says. I am called to know, believe, say, and do what He says. Some days I would do it better than others. I haven't finished learning, I'm still getting to know him. I know who He is, but I'm gradually becoming aware of it. His Love, is established for eternity, but I am gradually becoming aware of it. When my soul is in pain, when I wonder, when worry, discouragement, fear, intimidation, contempt, pride, anger, and their neighbors knock on my door, I go to meet the one who is the Truth (Aletheia) and in whom all Truth (logos) is. To Him, I ask which of his truths (Rhema and Dabar) should I proclaim and apply.

A person can tell a lie, believing he is truly speaking the truth. But my Truth is not just a sincere word or person. My Truth is the one Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Transcendent, Immutable. My Truth knows perfectly well what he is saying and has in himself the capacity to do what He says. My truth is more than real. He is neither an idea, a concept, nor an opinion. He created me, He gave his Life for me, He forgave my trespasses and still gave me free will. He didn't impose himself. He introduced himself. He gave me the freedom to choose: Receive Him or Reject Him. He has nothing to prove to Men, it has been tested, it has already accomplished everything. My Truth is JESUS.


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