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Reverse suicidal thoughts: maintain yourself with psalms, hymns and canticles.

Bonjou delivered! Boyou restored! Your GOD reigns and Salvation comes only from Him! There is salvation in no other name than JESUS (Acts 4:12). Say to your soul, the LORD reigns and Salvation comes only from him! To the enemy, say, my FATHER reigns and my Salvation will come from him! Say to our FATHER that you know he reigns and that great is his faithfulness! " To GOD, the only wise one, our Savior, be glory and magnificence, strength and power, now and forever! Amen. (Jude 1:25). If your soul has forgotten GOD's goodness, may the HOLY SPIRIT awaken your memory.

" Maintain yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and praising the LORD with all your heart; giving thanks continually for all things to GOD the FATHER, in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, submitting one to another in the fear of CHRIST. " (Ephesians 5:19-21, Segond 21, french translation of NKJV)

Yes, my soul, rest on GOD, for from him comes my hope. Yes, he is my rock and my salvation, my fortress: I shall not be shaken. On GOD rest my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, my refuge, is in GOD. At all times, peoples, trust in him, pour out your hearts before him! GOD is our refuge. (Psalm 62:6-9, Segond 21, french version of KJV)

I have great respect and deep consideration for the medical and paramedical community. I am not one of those who have a contemptuous and hypocritical discourse on medicine and science. I believe that in everything, we must give priority to GOD, then choose the good and abandon the bad. GOD likes to do good. He does not rejoice in misfortune. As much as possible, he wants to make all of them channels and instruments of blessing. Whether it is through miracles or spiritual gifts, medicine, technology, finance, sport, entertainment, law, education, the spread of the Word, the revelation of His word or a combination of several, what matters is that it be done by him, that it be done in accordance with his word, that glory be returned to him and that many may benefit from it. GOD loves us from the beginning because he chose to love us. Our individual function in the Body of Christ does not influence his feelings.

I would like to digress for a moment:

GOD loves us equally, but he will not reward us equally. It rewards faithfulness by considering intentions, sentiments, works or obedience, and repentance. In the eyes of God, all destinies are important. The works and responsibilities to which we are called are not equal. However, this does not mean that works or responsibilities determine whether our destiny is big or small. Destiny is GOD’s plan for our life, all of his wills. What we do with it is an individual choice. Some people fulfill their destiny, and others completely miss it.

When people say their destiny is big, they are either aware of how important their destiny is in GOD's eyes, or they think other people's destinies are small. When a person says that his destiny is small, he either thinks that what GOD does or wants to do through his life is unimportant. Or, if he's at the end of his life, he's confessing that his destiny is unfinished.

Many, because they think their destiny is small, don't try to fulfill it. Others don't even aspire to discover it. On behalf of the LORD, I say to you: your destiny is great, GOD's plans for your life are good, great and wonderful! Do not commit suicide, you have something to live for! GOD wants you to blossom. GOD wants to make you an instrument of blessing. You matter. You are not invisible to GOD. Don't commit suicide: come to JESUS CHRIST. Amen!

Let's return to the subject of this article. As I wrote at the beginning, I have great respect and deep consideration for the medical and paramedical profession. But my regard for GOD and His Word is greater than my regard for medicine and science in general. Suicidal thoughts reflect demonic oppressions, distress (deep wounds in the soul) and strongholds in the soul. Let's read a few verses:

(Ephesians 6:10 -18, Darby translation) : " 10 For the rest, brethren, be strong in [the] LORD, and in the might of his strength. 11 Put on the panoply of GOD, that ye may be able to stand against the artifices of the devil: 12 because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against principalities, against authorities, against the universal lords of this darkness, against spiritual [power] of wickedness in the heavenlies. 13 For this reason take [to you] the panoply of GOD, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having accomplished all things, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girt about your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and shod your feet with [the] preparation of the glad tidings of peace: 16 besides all [these], having taken the shield of faith with which ye will be able to quench all the inflamed darts of the wicked one. 17 Have also the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is GOD's word; 18 praying at all seasons, with all prayer and supplication in [the] Spirit, and watching unto this very thing with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."

The Word does not replace prayer, and prayer does not replace the Word. We know that there are different types of prayer. The question is: how do we pray, when we don't know how to pray, when we don't know what type of prayer is appropriate and when we're so oppressed that we can't pray 🙂 The answer is in the verses below:

(Ephesians 5:19-21, NKJV) : " Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the LORD, giving thanks always for all things to GOD the Father in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, submitting to one another in the fear of GOD."

❖ (Colossians 3:16 - 17) : " Let the word [logos, Strong n°3650, Greek] of CHRIST dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD."

❖ (Colossians 3:16, Parole vivante) : " May the word of CHRIST dwell and live among you in all its richness, may it inspire you with true wisdom that will enable you to instruct and warn one another. With all your heart, sing to GOD your gratitude for His grace, with psalms, hymns and hymns inspired by the SPIRIT."

❖ (Jude 1: 20 -21, NKJV) : " But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the HOLY SPIRIT,  keep yourselves in the love of GOD, looking for the mercy of our LORD JESUS CHRIST unto eternal life."

🙂 Cultivate the habit of listening to, proclaiming and singing psalms, hymns and canticles. Sometimes loop times of praise and prayer in your home. Remember the LORD's goodness and give thanks. Sing in tongues or pray in tongues. GOD will lead you. There are demons and sorcerers who cannot stand praise and worship. I write this out of knowledge, observation and personal experience. If you cultivate the habit of listening to and broadcasting praises and hymns, in your home, car or hospital room, you will notice changes in the spiritual atmosphere.

To maintain something is to take care of it in order to protect it, ensure its longevity, preserve or improve its capabilities or performance. Through psalms, hymns, canticles and praying in tongues, we build ourselves up and fellowship with GOD 🙂 Then we put on GOD's weapons and reverse suicidal thoughts.

** Bonjou = Good morning in Haitian Creole

** Boyou = Good morning in Paicî (New Caledonia, France)



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