Sou sdey wonderful creature! May GOD's Word nourish your thoughts and inspire your prayers. May your soul be healed and restored. May love lead you to intercession, may mercy save you, may humility preserve you and grace lift you up. May your house be a nursery for CHRIST, a garrison of prophets and intercessors. Let the leader of the LORD's army, JESUS, present himself to you (Joshua 4:13-14). Intercede without judging, and GOD will show you what is said in the council of heaven. Praying for Israel is not praying against Palestine. Praying for Palestine is not praying against Israel. The worst response to adversity is to resemble the enemy.
A few reminders
How suicidal thoughts take hold: immune systems ( spirit and soul ) failing, dysregulated or exhausted.

And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8, NKJV)

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10, NKJV)
"In their distress, they cried out to the LORD, and he delivered them from their anguish. He sent his word, he healed them and escaped from the grave." (Psalm 107:19-20, Semeur)
Yes, my soul, rest on GOD, for from him comes my hope. Yes, he is my rock and my salvation, my fortress: I shall not be shaken. On GOD rest my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, my refuge, is in GOD. At all times, peoples, trust in him, pour out your hearts before him! GOD is our refuge. (Psalm 62:6-9, Segond 21, french version of KJV)
1. A few reminders
Suicide is the deliberate (voluntary) act of ending one's life on earth. To commit suicide is to kill oneself. In the first article on suicidal thoughts, we saw that the causes of suicidal thoughts are destructive thoughts sown and sent by the devil. These thoughts are sent through demons, false reasoning (lies, strongholds, despair, cultures, guilt, pride), and human suggestions (bad advice and sectarian manipulation). Malaise (distress), exhaustion, ignorance, isolation, psychotropic substances, and mental illness are facilitators. Distress can be depression, chronic pain, wounds of the soul, incurable disease, financial over-indebtedness, pride, shame (painful feelings of inferiority or humiliation in front of others), or unhealed trauma (sexual abuse, mistreatment, guilt, intimidation, blackmail, violence, harassment, mistreatment, neglect, loneliness, etc.).
Pride is a highly advantageous, often exaggerated, opinion of one's worth at the expense of the consideration due to others. Pride, on the other hand, does not need to measure up to others, nor to belittle them.
The devil wants to steal, slit throats, ruin, and destroy. He will always try to exploit a weakness, a sin, a sorrow, a state of exhaustion, or a bad feeling. He will always try to prolong what should be temporary, maintain ignorance, normalize what is abnormal, and justify what is wrong. It's normal to be saddened by the death of a loved one or a tragedy. But it's not normal not to be able to mourn and move on. The enemy's methods are lies, demonic oppression and intimidation, spiritual attacks and spiritual yokes (by sorcerers, occultists, or demons), demonic alliances, and seductions (deceptions).
From the article Spirit and Soul: the components, we have retained that the components of the spirit are:
Consciousness: the discernment of right and wrong. Consciousness is the knowledge we have of our existence, of others, and of our environment.
Intuition: spiritual sensitivity and perception. Through intuition, we receive revelations from GOD and can differentiate between the voice of the FATHER, JESUS, the HOLY SPIRIT, an angel, the devil, or a demon. Through spiritual sensitivity, we can discern the presence of angels, JESUS, the movements of the HOLY SPIRIT, etc.
Communion: adoration, communion with GOD, and spiritual communications.
Du même article, nous avons également retenu que les composants de l'âme sont :
Les sentiments et émotions : Les émotions sont des réponses momentanées, presque automatiques, du cerveau face à une action, un événement, une image, une parole. Les émotions sont des réactions non intériorisées. Les sentiments sont des constructions mentales, des pensées associées à ou perçues d'un événement, une action, une parole. Un sentiment peut être le prolongement d'une émotion ou l'association de plusieurs émotions. Par exemple, la peur en tant qu'émotion et la peur en tant que sentiment identifié sous les termes inquiétude, anxiété, angoisse ou terreur. Un autre exemple, le sentiment de culpabilité est l’association du dégout (de soi) et de la peur (des conséquences). La volonté de DIEU est que nous apprenons à bien gérer et interpréter les émotions et sentiments. Nous ne devons ni les ignorer ni nous laisser dominer par eux.
From the same article, we also retained that the components of the soul are:
Feelings and emotions: Emotions are momentary, almost automatic responses of the brain to an action, event, image, or word. Emotions are non-internalized reactions. Sentiments are mental constructs, thoughts associated with or perceived from an event, action, or word. A sentiment can be an extension of an emotion or an association of several emotions. For example, fear as an emotion, and fear as a feeling identified under the terms worry, anxiety, anguish, or terror. Another example, guilt, is the combination of disgust (of oneself) and fear (of the consequences). GOD's will is that we learn to manage and interpret emotions and feelings well. We must neither ignore them nor let them dominate us.
Understanding: the center of thoughts and reflections. Thoughts and reflections are fueled by knowledge, learning, wisdom, intelligence, and memory.
The will: the center of decisions and free will. I would add, the center of motivation. Will drives action. Will makes us act in one way or another. Will maintains behavior and habits.
From the articles Demons Can Cause Disease and Healing the Soul (P.1), we've learned that demons can cause disease, but that not all disease is caused by a demon, and that a demon is not systematically present in the body of every sick person.
People fall ill because their immune system's resistance is weak, exhausted, inadequate, or non-existent. For example, in the case of an epidemic, those who fall ill are those who have been exposed to the infectious agent and whose immune system is insufficiently or no longer resistant to the agent. The absence of disease does not mean that the infectious agent does not exist. The absence of disease means that either the infectious agent is not present in the body, or the infectious agent has been deactivated either naturally (immune system or medication) or supernaturally (divine intervention). The body is ill when :
The immune system is failing or has a deficit: weakening, insufficiency, or absence of the body's defenses. The deficiency can be punctual, recurrent, or permanent (causing recurrent, severe, and long-term infections).
The immune system can be weakened by age (babies, children, the elderly), previous illness, infection, exhaustion, unbalanced diet, insufficient hydration, alcohol consumption, stress, lack of sleep, absence of sporting activity, the environment (air pollution), etc.
The immune system is disrupted and starts attacking an organism it should normally protect. This is known as an "autoimmune disease", where the immune system attacks the tissues of its own body.
The immune system responds excessively to an inoffensive foreign element (allergic reactions).
One or more demons make the body sick by causing a deficit or disorder.
Demons mainly have four means of accessing man (spirit, soul, body): sin, ignorance, exhaustion, and alliances (made by the people concerned, their ascendants or descendants). Added to this is the influence that they can exert on certain places and territories due to the acts that have been committed there (idolatry, syncretism, occultism, debauchery, assassinations, abortions, etc.) or the rejection of the Gospel. Demons can oppress the minds of unbelievers, and the souls and bodies of believers and unbelievers. They can also influence circumstances. Many Bible teachers claim that there is at least one demonic influence behind every mental illness and behavioral disorder. I firmly believe that this is true in most cases, but to date, I do not have enough experience, hindsight, arguments, and conviction to say that this is always the case. Whatever the circumstances, we must pray and ask for the assistance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
2. How suicidal thoughts take hold
Each country has its specific characteristics, but on a global scale, teenagers, adults, and the elderly all suffer from suicidal thoughts. Suicide is rare among children, but unfortunately increasingly common among teenagers. Statistically, boys and men commit suicide more often than women and girls. However, women admit more than men having suicidal thoughts. Suicide attempts are more often interrupted among women than among men.
For the most part, those who attempt suicide do not want to die; they want to stop suffering or stop causing their loved ones to suffer. For example, when a disabled adult attempts suicide, it is more often because they feel they are a burden on their parents. When a Christian woman who has been persecuted and forced into marriage commits suicide, it is more because she wants to put an end to her suffering than because she has no desire for happiness.
I wrote in the previous article that suicide is caused by an accumulation or combination of causes. Either the causes have accumulated over time, or they occur simultaneously or very rapidly one after the other.
Medicine groups suicidal thoughts into two categories: passive and active. Passive thoughts occur when people have suicidal thoughts but have no intention of killing themselves. They want to die in their sleep or have a cardiac arrest. Active thoughts occur when the people concerned have a real intention to commit suicide, have a plan, or are looking for a plan.
Suicidal thoughts set in when the immune systems of the soul and spirit are deficient, dysregulated, or exhausted. I've drawn an analogy to help us understand.
The immune system is failing or has a deficit: weakening, insufficiency, or absence of the body's defenses.
Spirit: no revelation of the mind of GOD. Communion with GOD, or more precisely with the HOLY SPIRIT, is non-existent, broken, unstable, or superficial. Worship is religious and insincere.
Soul: wounds of the soul, ignorance (unrenewed intelligence).
Consequences: the people concerned cannot distinguish the voice of GOD from that of demons.
The primary targets are children, teenagers, and unbelievers.
The immune system is disrupted and starts attacking an organism it should normally protect.
Spirit: Some Christians believe that demons cannot infiltrate the bodies of Christians. They do not understand the difference between demonic possession, demonic oppression, demonic influence, and demonic presence. Demonic possession means that one or more demons are in complete control of a person's thoughts and/or actions. Unlike an unbeliever, a Christian cannot be possessed by a demon. But they can be oppressed, influenced, or inhabited by a demon.
Soul: stronghold, pride, false reasoning, wound of humiliation or betrayal, self-pity.
Consequences: the people concerned attribute the enemy's thoughts to themselves or GOD.
The primary targets are teenagers who have been abused or harassed, believers who do not meditate on the Word or who have received unbalanced teaching, and people suffering from mental illness (children, teenagers, adults).
The immune system responds excessively to a foreign element.
Spirit: bitterness towards GOD, pride in GOD, lack of faith.
Soul: pride, death or suicide of a loved one, feelings of shame, self-pity, selfishness, fear or refusal to accept responsibility or admit one's faults, desire to avoid torture, ill-treatment, or blackmail.
Consequences: the people concerned do not study the Word and drift away from GOD.
The first people to be targeted are those who are full of guilt, full of pride, victims of harassment or falsely accused of something they did not do.
The immune system is exhausted.
Spirit: Demonic spiritual atmosphere, attack by a territorial principality (example of the prophet Elijah facing Jezebel).
Âme: solitude, sentiment d'impuissance ou d'incapacité, décès ou suicide d'un proche, dépendance affective, épuisement mental et physique.
Consequences: the people concerned don't know how to rest or feel guilty when they take time off. They do not allow themselves quality time to listen to GOD, to praise and worship. They meditate on the word to teach and not to be nourished themselves. They either consider it a weakness to admit that they are mentally exhausted or to ask for help, or they feel that everything will fall apart if they rest or give up.
The primary targets are people in leadership positions or with heavy responsibilities, high-potential teenagers, people suffering from multiple traumas, believers who have lost their faith or who have no faith that their situation can improve, the elderly, people suffering from a disability, an incurable disease or chronic pain.
The enemy will always try to exploit everything he can to get us to move away from GOD and think like him. This is why we must be :
Ready to repent (including detaching ourselves from bad company),
Cherish our personal relationship with GOD,
Cultivate the habit of meditating on his word,
Entertaining ourselves with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and celebrating with all your heart the praises of the LORD. (Ephesians 5:19)
And give thanks continually for all things to GOD the FATHER, in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST (Ephesians 5:20).
Below are some verses that I encourage you to meditate on. What connection do you make between these verses and immune systems?
❖ “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32, NKJV)
❖ " For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10:13-14, NKJV)
❖ "Guard your heart more than anything else, For from it come the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23, LSG French version of KJV). => Guard your inner self, your soul, your conscience, your thoughts, your feelings. Be careful what you expose your soul to. Don't be passive.
❖ "Ne vous enivrez pas de vin: cela mène à la débauche. Soyez au contraire remplis de l'ESPRIT : dites-vous des psaumes, des hymnes et des cantiques spirituels; chantez et célébrez de tout votre coeur les louanges du SEIGNEUR; remerciez constamment DIEU le PERE pour tout, au nom de notre SEIGNEUR JESUS-CHRIST." (Ephésiens 5:18-20, Segond21)
❖ " Don't let yourselves be molded by today's world, but let your thinking be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you can discern GOD's will: what is good, what pleases him, what is perfect." (Romans 12:2, Semeur)
** Sou sdey = Good morning in Khmer (Cambodia)