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Yes, we can forgive and complain

Buongiorno family of JESUS. Faithful Dasiba! Getting better is a process, not an event. Be faithful to CHRIST and you will overcome the world. Be faithful in small things and you'll be entrusted with bigger ones. "Civil disobedience becomes a duty for all who care about human dignity, who do not want to collaborate with injustice and who seek, by breaking the law, to stop the machine that produces oppression. "(Marting Luther King Jr, 1929 -1968) To forgive is neither to approve of evil, nor to renounce the right and duty to protect. If you're in danger, go away. If someone is in danger, speak up. "A law can never compel a man to love me, but it is important that it forbid him to lynch me. " (Marting Luther King Jr, 1929 -1968) Every time you stand up, you give someone else the courage to stand up. If we don't stand up for just causes, who will?

"For the LORD's sake, submit to all the institutions established among men: either to the king, because he is above all, or to governors, because they are sent by him to punish those who do evil and approve those who do goodIndeed, it is GOD's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorance of men who lack common sense. Behave as free men, not using freedom as a veil to cover wickedness, but acting as GOD's servants. Respect each other, love brothers and sisters, fear GOD, honor the King. "(1 Peter 2:13-17, Segond 21)

"The magistrate is GOD's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, fear; for it is not in vain that he carries the sword, being GOD's servant to wreak vengeance and punish those who do wrong.  It is therefore necessary to be submissive, not only out of fear of punishment, but also out of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes. For magistrates are GOD's ministers, entirely dedicated to this function. Give to each his due: tax to whom you owe tax, tax to whom you owe tax, respect to whom you owe respect, honor to whom you owe honor. "( Romans 13: 4-6, Segond 21)

As we have seen in previous articles, forgiving is neither approving of evil, nor minimizing evil, nor renouncing the right and duty to protect.  Therefore, forgiving is not an excuse to lie, an excuse to be irresponsible, a moral duty to cover up a crime, a social or religious obligation not to report a crime. Forgiving does not prevent you from lodging a complaint, reporting a crime to the police or testifying in court.

The purpose of justice is to protect, judge, decide, punish, compensate and repair as much as possible. Its mission is to establish order and justice, and to punish wrongdoing. We Christians are subject to the laws and authorities of the State in the same way as other citizens. But only to the extent that these laws are not contrary to GOD's commandments, or to a specific and personal recommendation received from him. If we know of, or witness, a crime or real injustice, we must report it to the appropriate authorities.

GOD is not against the justice system. We must report and denounce abuses, crimes, misdemeanors, medical errors, intimidation, mistreatment, violence, theft, state lies and any act or lie affecting the life, health (physical, psychological and financial), mission and protection of an individual or group of individuals, whether physical or moral. The aim being to prevent recidivism, protect others, and initiate reparation. Therefore:

  • Yes, we must denounce and lodge a complaint against any person, adult or teenager, Catholic priest or pastor, teacher or policeman, father or grandfather, who commits or has committed sexual abuse, touching, asking inappropriate questions or saying inappropriate things.

  • Yes, we must denounce spiritual abuse.

  • Yes, we must denounce and lodge a complaint against a violent husband.

  • Yes, we must denounce and demand measures against bullying;

  • Yes, you should report scams and, if necessary, lodge a complaint.

  • Yes, we must denounce medical errors.

  • Yes, we need to save lives.

We must not be indifferent. Let's remember these words: "Deliver those who are being dragged to death, Those whose throats are about to be slit, save them! If you say: Ah! we did not know!... Doesn't he who weighs hearts see it? Does He who watches over your soul not know it? And will he not render to every man according to his works?" (Proverbs 24:11-12, LSG)

GOD does not ask us to be complicit in silence. He asks us "not to use our freedom as a veil to cover wickedness". (1 Peter 2:16) The established authorities are "sent by him to punish those who do evil and to approve those who do good. (1 Peter 2:14) In other words, to establish justice, to render fair judgments, to oppose those who do evil. These authorities are established "to wreak vengeance and punish those who do evil." (Romans 13:4-6) In other words, to demand restitution, reparation, compensation and repayment.

❖ "The word of JEHOVAH came to Zechariah: "This is what JEHOVAH the Lord of the universe said: 'Do justice in accordance with the truth and act toward one another with kindness and compassion.'" (Zechariah 7:8-9, Segond 21)

❖ "This is what you must do: *let every man speak the truth to his neighbor; execute justice at the gates of your cities in accordance with the truth and with a view to peace; let no one project evil in his heart against his neighbor and do not love false swearing, for all this I detest, declares the Lord." (Zechariah 8:16-17, Segond 21)

GOD asks us to do justice according to the truth in order to achieve peace. He asks us to demonstrate fairness and integrity. If we are to do justice according to the truth, we can also ask that justice be done to us according to the truth. The goal is not revenge, but peace: the cessation of what caused the conflict, the non-repetition of the conflict and, as far as possible, reparation or compensation.

❖ "Thou shalt not do iniquity in thy judgments: thou shalt not regard the person of the poor, nor favor the person of the great, but thou shalt judge thy neighbor in righteousness." (Leviticus 19:15, LSG)

❖ "If anyone sees his brother committing a sin that does not lead to death, let him pray, and GOD will give life to that brother; I'm talking here about those who commit a sin that does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death, and it's not for that sin that I say pray.  All unrighteousness is sin, but not all sin leads to death." (1 John 5:16-17, Segond 21)

We are bound to respect the laws in force in our countries, as long as they do not contradict GOD's laws (Acts 5:27-29). In the event of disobedience to a law contrary to GOD's commandments, or to a specific and personal recommendation received from him, we are called to do so peacefully, respecting and honoring the authorities. This involves, for example, being prepared to suffer punishment from men because of our obedience to CHRIST (Matthew 5:10, Acts 5:40-42, Acts 4:1-3, Hebrews 11: 32-38, 2 Corinthians 12:10, Philippians 1: 29, Philippians 3: 8).

Some people quote the verses Proverbs 10:12, 2 Peter 4: 8, Matthew 18:15, 1 Corinthians 6: 1-10 and Romans 12:19, and say that Christians should not resort to administrative, governmental and judicial jurisdictions. I'm tempted to say that this is a selfish, hypocritical, cowardly and manipulative position. Very often, those who say it are ignorant of the suffering of others, lack the courage to stand up for just causes, want to avoid suffering the consequences of their actions or maintain a certain image of themselves in society. Their strategy is to isolate, guilt-trip, addict and indoctrinate.

Nevertheless, I'm aware that not everyone is selfish, hypocritical, cowardly and manipulative. There are people who simply don't have the knowledge or understanding of the Scriptures. There are some who live in countries so corrupt that to make a complaint is to put oneself in danger. To them I say, you have the right to resort to justice when necessary. GOD does not rejoice in unjust suffering. Pray, ask for advice, and get help if you need it. Of course, you should always pray, ask the HOLY SPIRIT and listen to your inner testimony before filing a complaint.

🙂 Some offenses should be ignored.  Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.  It is written, "No, there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins. Therefore, pay no attention to all the words spoken, so that you will not hear your servant curse you!  For you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others." (Ecclesiastes 7: 21-22, Segond 21)

🙂 Some offenses must be covered. I specify offenses and not crimes. Through the Apostle Paul, THE HOLY SPIRIT tells us, "Above all, have a burning love for one another, for love will cover many sins." (2 Peter 4: 8, Segond 21).

❖ "If your brother is guilty toward you, go to him alone and show him his fault. If he listens to you, you've won your brother over. But if he refuses to listen to you, take one or two others with you, so that, as the Scripture says, "every matter may be settled on the testimony of two or three." But if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church; and if he refuses to listen to the Church, consider him an unbeliever or a tax collector." (Matthew 18:15)

🙂 Firstly, in this verse, we're not talking about crime and endangering the lives of others. Secondly, if the brother (or sister) is to be considered a heathen, then we can lodge a complaint. Of course, you must always pray, ask the HOLY SPIRIT and listen to the inner testimony first.

❖ "1 When one of you has a dispute with another, how dare he seek justice before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if it is by you that the world is to be judged, are you incapable of rendering judgments of small importance? 3 Don't you know that we will judge the angels? How much more the affairs of everyday life! 4 But if you have disputes about everyday matters, you take as your judges people whom the Church takes no notice of! 5 I say this to your shame. There is not a single wise man among you who can judge between his brothers and sisters! 6 On the contrary, a brother is on trial against a brother, and that before unbelievers!

7 It's already a complete failure for you to have lawsuits with each other. Why don't you rather put up with injustice? Why don't you rather let yourselves be robbed, 8 but it's you on the contrary who commit injustice and rob others, and it's towards brothers and sisters that you act like this! 9 Don't you know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of GOD? Do not be deceived: neither those who live in sexual immorality, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor transvestites, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor men always eager to possess more, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor exploiters will inherit the kingdom of GOD." (1 Corinthians 6:1-10, Segond 21)

🙂 First, Again, this is not about crime and endangering the lives of others. When it comes to the judgment of the world, the tense used by the Apostle Paul is the future tense. The Apostle Paul is speaking to believers. On the one hand, he encourages us to deal with disputes and everyday matters between believers. On the other hand, he urges us to become wise, so as to be able to settle disputes and manage the affairs of everyday life. Maturity isn't just about knowing how to avoid conflict. It's also knowing how to settle them with love and wisdom.

Secondly, he tells us that sometimes you have to accept to lose, to leave judgment and retribution to GOD. Sometimes the person who commits an offense doesn't know what he's doing, isn't in a position to make amends, or is too proud to admit his wrongdoing. He warns those who abuse the kindness of others, who rob their brothers and sisters, and those who live in iniquity, that they will not inherit the Kingdom of GOD. If they do not repent, if they continue to live in iniquity, they will receive no reward from GOD, and in the long run they will lose their salvation. GOD is not unjust.

** Dasiba = Hello in Dagbanli (Ghana)

** Buongiorno = Good morning in Italian


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