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1001 Prayer topics: #14 Discretion and patience

God ettermiddag the one GOD raises! Zing Chiba precious stone! May our FATHER raise you up! May you experience the benefits of fellowship! May grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of GOD and JESUS our LORD! (2 Peter 1:2).  May the HOLY SPIRIT direct your heart to the love of the FATHER and to the patience of CHRIST (2 Thessalonians 3:5). Never forget that CHRIST's patience is your salvation (2 Peter 3:15).

We've all been indiscreet and impatient at one time or another. Perhaps we have sown, justified or encouraged indiscretion and impatience in someone. For some of us, these are daily challenges.

The reasons are many: the upbringing we've received, the culture we've grown up in, the traumas we've experienced, the wounds we haven't healed from, the battles and pressures we face, the revelation of the Word we don't have, a demonic influence, a curse that may not have been broken, a sin we may not have repented of, our own ambitions, the ambitions we have for others, the misinterpretation of a vision or prophecy, and so on.

Whatever the reason, it will always be good to pray. It will always be good to repent. It will always be good to ask for the revelation of the Word and the ability to walk according to the Word. It will always be good to pray before temptations, trials, persecutions and promotions come. It will always be to pray to preserve the deposit. It will always be good to pray for those over whom we have influence. It will always be good to pray for those who have an influence on our lives. Whether they are those who have direct authority over us, or those who are our friends, families and partners. It will always be good to pray for our homes and the people for whom GOD asks us to intercede. This is the invitation I share with you today.

Be led by the HOLY SPIRIT. Pray in tongues and with understanding.  It doesn't matter if you're singing, talking or whispering.  It doesn't matter whether you're sitting, standing or walking. What matters is that you're sincere.


Thank you for your love, patience and loyalty.

Thank you for your Word, which delivers us from ignorance, heals our souls and renews our minds, so that we may discern what is your will: what is good, pleasing and perfect.

We remember that it is written "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all evil." (1 John 1:8-9, Segond 21)

We recognize that we can be impatient and indiscreet.

Sometimes we sow or encourage impatience and indiscretion in our relationships with others.

We include those who, consciously or unconsciously, have watered these things in us.

We include our homes, homes in alliance with our own, and all the people for whom we intercede.

We beg your pardon.

We reject pride, covetousness, jealousy and the spirit of competition.

We reject the spirit of control and manipulation.

We reject the savior syndrome: the feeling of being indispensable, and of having to continually help others or receive gratitude from others in order to feel existing and useful.

We reject false reasoning, fear of failure, rejection, abandonment and betrayal.

We reject impatience and indiscretion.

We refuse to search for our identity in others.

We refuse to let others define our identity and usefulness.

Thank you for your mercy.

In accordance with your Word, we receive cleansing, deliverance, healing, revelation of the Word, discernment, wisdom and restoration.

Exercising the authority received from our great brother JESUS,

We order the cessation of all affliction, oppression, persecution, attack, battle, reclamation, destruction or curse in progress because of these sins. 

We order the chains to break!

We commend our souls to you,

May soul ties be broken, may unhealthy relationships cease.

Let what doesn't belong be torn away.

Let what's dysfunctional be fixed.

The HOLY SPIRIT will direct our hearts to your love and to the patience of CHRIST (2 Thessalonians 3:5).

Discretion and patience are our hallmarks.

We won't be foolish.

Through his assistance, we will know when to speak, how to speak and to whom to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, Proverbs 17:28, Proverbs 10:19, Proverbs 21:5 Ecclesiastes 7:8).

With respect and kindness, we resolve to distance ourselves from all relationships and conversations that could be stumbling blocks.

Let your word be a lamp to our feet, And light to our paths (Psalms 119:105).

Thank you for your loyalty and kindness.

Thank you for the testimonials that follow.

Blessed are you forever in our lives.


** God ettermiddag = Good afternoon in Norwegian

** Zing Chiba = Good morning in Mizo/Lushai (Mizoram, India)

*** I identify 14 types of prayer: The prayer of praise and thanksgiving, the prayer of adoration, the prayer of faith, the prayer of agreement or community, the prayer of petition, the prayer of consecration, the prayer of intercession, the prayer of blessing, declaration and proclamation, the prayer of imprecation, of authority, more often called the prayer of combat or deliverance, the prayer of childbirth and supplication, the prayer in tongues, the prayer of repentance, the consultative prayer, the prayer of the SPIRIT (when the HOLY SPIRIT prays within us). Not to be confused with the expression prayer by the SPIRIT or prayer led by the SPIRIT (the manner and subjects).


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