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He knows what He has laid down deep inside you.

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

Hi! You may need this encouragement this morning.

There are seasons like that. GOD has enough confidence in what He has laid down deep inside you. You were created in his image, in his likeness. When He calls you "conquerors", "Wondrous creature" or by any other name; It is not to flirt your ego, nor to make you feel good. There are no lies in Him. You are what He says. So sometimes, to help you become aware of your potential. He goes first, then sits in front of you, waiting for you to do like Him.

Why does He sit in front? For you to know that you are not and will never be alone. He will never ask you to do what you can not do. Either He gave you the ability to do it, or He trained you for it. Never Give Up, Trust Him. He knows what's going on and already knows the end. Our GOD is a responsible father.

Have a blessed day.

Video from: Bobby Schuller


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