Sbah El kheir family of JESUS! May FATHER command the blessing to be with you, in your barns and in your vats (Deuteronomy 28:8). May you grow (knowledge, character, skill, gifts, talents, wisdom), expand (abilities, opportunities) and prosper in your territory. May your prosperity be for the advancement of the kingdom! You will be blessed when you arrive and when you go (Deuteronomy 28:6).
" Forwhich of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it." (Luke 14:28, NKJV)

After prayer and communion with the HOLY SPIRIT, preparation is the third key to a successful job interview. Unfortunately, many pray without preparing, while others prepare without praying. You: pray, prepare and listen to the HOLY SPIRIT. Improvising is good. But it is better to prepare in advance. That's why I'm sharing a list of questions to help you prepare for your job interviews. I'm sure you'll find it useful.
As in previous articles, remember that an interview is not the only criterion of a recruiter and the importance of a criterion is relative. A successful interview does not make you the best because according to GOD, all is grace. A failed interview does not reduce your skills. It was nothing more or less than an interview. If your application is accepted, great. If not, good, GOD has a better opportunity for you. If you are selected, but GOD asks you to decline the offer, don't be afraid to say no. He will reward your obedience. Besides, we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28, NKJV).
Introduce yourself / Tell me about yourself
How would you describe yourself in four words?
How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
What are your values?
How old are you?
What nationality are you? / Are your documents in order? / Are you authorized to work?
Are you married?
Do you have children?
Are you pregnant? / Are you expecting a child? ** In some countries, it is illegal to ask this question in a job interview.
Do you speak any other languages?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Would you be comfortable working in a nonprofit / prison / women's / legal / hospital / men's / religious / rural / school / etc. environment?
Have you ever worked in a luxury environment?
Would you be comfortable working with young people / elderly people / mute people?
Could you work in an English-speaking / French-speaking environment?
Do you feel capable of managing someone older than you?
Would you be comfortable working with a manager younger than you?
Do you have a driver's license?
Is it possible for you to work from home?
Is working staggered hours an option? If so, under what conditions?
Would you agree to work on-site?
Would you be willing to travel (in the regions or for customer meetings)? If yes, how often?
Where do you live? From your home, how long does it take you to get to the office/train station/airport/port?
Would you be willing to move?
Would you consider expatriation? If so, under what conditions?
Can you be mobilized in case of war (military reserve)?
Can your spouse be mobilized in case of war (military reserve)?
Is it written on your CV that reading is one of your interests? What is the last book you read? (to be modified according to your interests)
How do you define your priorities?
How do you define your goals / those of your team?
How do you evaluate your progress?
What is the most constructive criticism you have received?
How do you manage stress?
What is your advice to avoid burnout?
In your opinion, what are the keys to good collaboration (teamwork)?
What do you think makes the difference between good and bad managers?
How do you manage conflicts?
How do you deal with difficult customers?
Do you think it is possible to work with all types of clients? Why?
What attitude or behavior might irritate you in the workplace?
Can you tell me about a situation in which your qualities were evident?
How would your colleagues/managers / previous employers, describe you?
What do you think about your former colleagues and managers?
What motivates you to work/stay in a company?
Which of your previous experiences was the most instructive/difficult/enjoyable?
What is your greatest achievement (personal, professional, or associative)?
Why did you quit your job?
Why do you want to change careers?
Why do you want to change jobs?
What is your notice period?
Are there any non-competition and confidentiality clauses in your employment contract? If so, which ones?
How long have you been looking for a job?
Ideally, when would you like to start?
Do you have any diplomas /What are your diplomas?
Do you have any certifications?
Why did you choose this specialization?
Do you know any tools /software /programs/techniques?
Do you speak other languages?
What is your level in English / French?
What do you like most or least about your current position/job?
What is your career plan?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What do your days look like?
Do you prefer emails, calls, or meetings?
Do you read all your emails?
If you are selected for this position, how long do you think you will be able to hold it?
What do you know about us?
What are your motivations?
How much do you want to be paid?
Have you ever worked for one of our subsidiaries?
Is someone close to you an employee or former employee of our group?
Do you own shares in our company?
Do you already have job offers?
Why should we recruit you?
Do you have any extra professional activities? If yes, what exactly?
If you had to choose between several proposed positions, what would be your criteria?
How do you define the words: Respect - Integrity/Compliance - Approval?
Is there a topic you would like to discuss?
Do you have any questions?
What do you think we could do better or differently?
How did you find out about this job? /How did you hear about this job?
** Sbah El kheir = Good morning in Arabic (Algeria)