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Pray for a soldier's widow

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

Dobryi den (Добрий день) family of JESUS! May the LORD give you the courage to go forward, the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the strength to change what can be changed, and the discernment of both. In the midst of distress, may you know that GOD is with you and will never leave you. The best response to adversity is to be like CHRIST. The worst response is to look like our enemies. Don't let pain define your identity.

"A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is GOD in his holy habitation." (Psalms 68:5, KJV)
" Now may our LORD JESUS CHRIST Himself, and our GOD and FATHER, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work." (2 Thessalonians 2: 16-17, NKJV)
"Cursed be he that perverteth the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, and widow. And all the people shall say, Amen" (Deuteronomy 27:19).

The price of a war is more than just numbers. "How many soldiers lost? How much equipment destroyed? How many buildings to rebuild? How much money spent/borrowed/to be repaid? " In reality, who pays the price of war? Certainly not those who run our nations. That's partly why there are so many wars in the world. They commit the nation, but the people who pay. They start the war, but they are comfortably safe, sheltered. Are their wives afraid to pick up the phone? To see strangers ringing the doorbell? Raising their children alone? Seeing the news and reports in the presence of their children?

This article is not a request for a trial. You may be the next leader of a nation. If you haven't realized it yet, I pray that you realize, I pray that you realize that on every side of a war, there are grandmothers, mothers, sisters, widows and daughters in tears. Behind media hypocrisy, selective amnesia, false patriotism, pride, greed, selfishness, and ignorance of men is the father of lies: the devil. He only comes to steal, slaughter, and destroy (John 10:10). Whatever our colors, convictions, continents, nations, we are all, without exception, targets. Today I invite you to pray for the widow of a soldier. It is easy to intercede when it is a question of one's own, one's people, one's neighbor. But how would you have received the Gospel if everyone preached and interceded only for his own? May you see beyond. Beyond what you know, beyond your camp, the camp of your nation, and the color of your people. Remember: CHRIST gave himself for everyone, without exception (1 Timothy 2:5). Go beyond my words. Let the HOLY SPIRIT lead you and pray as long as it inspires you.


Thank You for the grace of knowing You, the privilege of approaching You,

The awareness of being loved and the assurance of being saved.

Thank You for the gift of life, the salvation in JESUS CHRIST,

And the communion through the HOLY SPIRIT.

Because You are Love and Truth, we can serenely entrust ourselves to You.

You are the one who comforts of all afflictions (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Psalms 147:3) and who gives joy to those who mourn (Job 5:11).

We know that with You, nothing, absolutely nothing, is insurmountable.

You are the one who loves with eternal and unconditional love.

You do not lie, you do not cheat, you do not betray, you do not abandon.

You watch over the stranger, you support the fatherless and the widow (Psalm 146:9).

I raise my voice for a soldier's widow.

For the one whose husband died serving his nation, obeying orders, saving lives.

For the one whose leader is no longer among the living.

For the one who will raise children alone or take care of parents alone.

For the one who thinks she won't make it.

For the one who can't mourn.

You know her pain, her sorrow, her fears, her challenges, her battles and her victories.

You know where she came from, where she is, and where she might be tomorrow.

You know exactly what she needs, when, how, why and by whom.

You know what people don't see, what she doesn't say, what she doesn't show.

You know her better than anyone. You know her better than she knows herself.

You know what words cannot express and what memories cannot replace.

You know how to interpret the looks and the silences of the widow who must silence her pain to help her children mourn.

The one who, some days, will pretend to be fine, so that they can move on.

"The heart knows its own sorrows, And a stranger cannot share its joy." (Proverbs 14:10).

But You know. You are not a stranger. You are the Creator. Furthermore, you are GOD.

So I ask You what only You can do: protect, enlighten, console, strengthen, restore.

I pray that You will cover her and her house. May angels encamp around her house.

For her, I implore your mercy and ask for your forgiveness.

In the name of JESUS, I command the unclean spirits to depart from her house.

JESUS said, whatever we ask in faith, according to your will revealed in your word, will be granted to us (Matthew 21:22, Matthew 18: 18-19)

I pray that You give her soul peace and rest.

That You will guard her nights and precede her days.

May You enlighten her and give her discernment, wisdom, and understanding.

I pray that you will help her to grieve and move on.

I pray that You comfort her soul and fill the void.

May all seeds of bitterness be ripped out of her.

I raise my voice against depression, fear, anxiety, rejection, remorse, and poverty.

For her, I ask peace, joy, health, serenity, faith, and abundance.

May angels divert the paths of those who come to her house with evil intentions.

"Cursed be the one who violates the rights of the stranger, the orphan, and the widow" (Deuteronomy 27:19).

Judge and strike those who try to rob her or impose widowhood rites on her.

You want "all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:4).

If she does not know You, I ask for her salvation.

If she already knows You, I pray that she will know You better.

May the awareness of your love, the knowledge of the truth, the grace in JESUS CHRIST, and the communication through the HOLY SPIRIT be her portion (2 Corinthians 13:14).


**Dobryï den (Добрий день) = Good morning in Ukrainian


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