Lumela light! May our Father extend his goodness to you and his justice to your house! Let not the proud and wicked frighten you, nor discourage you, nor turn you away (Psalms 36:11-12). Avoid hasty assumptions and conclusions. What has not been clearly announced or officially confirmed, is not. Stay away from those who speak without proof.
The psychologist (practitioner)
The psychiatrist (physician)
The psychotherapist (doctor or practitioner)
The psychoanalyst (doctor or practitioner)
A reminder about illnesses, demonic influences, and deliverance
Psychiatrists and psychologists: yes, but with discernment and wisdom
Psychoanalysis: I'm absolutely against it.

Listen to counsel and receive instruction, That you may be wise in your latter days.
(Proverbs 19:20, NKJV)

All Scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
(2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV)
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? Will a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey?Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he has caught nothing? Will a bird fall into a snare on the earth, where there is no trap for it? Will a snare spring up from the earth, if it has caught nothing at all? (Amos 3:3-5, NKJV)
1. The psychologist (practitioner)
The psychologist is not a doctor, but a practitioner. His job is to provide support to people in psychological distress. His fields are behavior and mental processes. He is interested in psychopathologies (wounds of the soul, diagnosis, risk assessment, analysis of practices), human behaviors, personalities, mental autonomy, interpersonal relationships and social integration. Not all psychologists practice psychotherapy. A psychologist can be a researcher, teacher, consultant or work in industrial psychology, etc. They can work in all sectors:
Education, healthcare, medical-social services, corporate communications, justice, labor, sports,
Marketing, space planning, commercial communication (advertising, visual identity)
Recruitment, personal marketing or personal branding (politicians, management of crisis or scandal), etc.
In most countries, he is the only person authorized to carry out personality and intellectual aptitude tests. For example, he interprets and administers IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and HPI/HPE (High Intellectual / Emotional Potential) tests. He is not the only one who can do this, but only his conclusions are legally binding.
He or she has completed a minimum of five years of training and may specialize in clinical psychology, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, occupational psychology, career guidance, etc. Only clinical psychologists provide psychotherapy. Depending on his or her theory, convictions, and dispositions, the psychologist is free to decide on his or her working tools and methods. He or she offers specific support for each situation, according to his or her assessment. In addition to listening and observation, his or her main tools are :
Evaluation of cognitive functions, screening for memory or attention disorders, screening for diseases and early symptoms of dementia (e.g. Alzheimer's disease).
Personality, psychological profile, emotional management, decision-making, mode of action (judgment, perception), professional and academic orientation, team management, etc.
Neurobiological tools :
Brain function, stimuli, impulses.
Psychological maturity, emotional intelligence, repression.
Stereotypes and prejudices (preconceived and caricatured positive or negative opinions of a person or group).
Behavioral tools:
Synchronicity or interpretation of events (coincidences, incidents, dreams).
Body language (gaze, gestures, body posture, vocal intonation, facial expression).
Repressed or unconscious internal conflicts, repeated slips of the tongue.
2. The psychiatrist (doctor)
A psychiatrist is a doctor specializing in the brain, the nervous system, and mental illness. He does not necessarily practice psychotherapy. As a doctor, the psychiatrist can sign treatment orders and prescribe pharmaceutical treatments. He is the one who decides whether a person should be admitted to a psychiatric hospital or a psychiatric inpatient unit. He can also recommend a medico-psychological center, a part-time therapeutic reception center, or specific activities. The diagnosis is based on an elimination (of one or more physical illnesses by other doctors), observation, questioning, analysis, tests, experience (comparative analysis), and, if necessary, the opinion of other professionals (advice, opinions, books, testimonials from doctors and practitioners). The diagnosis of disorders is made gradually and may be revised over time according to the expected effects of treatment (drug or non-drug) and the evolution of your condition. Psychological disorders are treated by means of medication and non-medication.
Psychiatry is the medical specialty dedicated to the understanding, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental illness. A mental illness is a set of disturbances in thoughts, emotions and/or behavior reflecting a biological, psychological, cognitive function disorder and/or demonic oppressions, resulting in distress for the person concerned in perceiving, adapting and interacting in his or her environment. In particular, difficulties in learning, working and social relations. Mental disorders can be observed by the person concerned, his or her family or friends. I personally believe that any Christian or child of a Christian undergoing psychiatric treatment should receive as much Christian psychospiritual support as possible. I also think that he (or his parents if he is a minor) should pray in tongues as often as possible.
3. The psychotherapist (doctor or practitioner)
The psychotherapist is specialized in therapeutic support and relapse prevention. Psychologists and psychiatrists can be psychotherapists, but not all psychotherapists are psychologists or psychiatrists. A psychiatrist is a practitioner. His or her job is to help resolve personal problems related to well-being and interpersonal relationships. He or she may be a generalist, but more often specializes in one theme or the resolution of one or three types of problems for one to three categories of people.
Examples of themes / types of problem: Addiction, incest, violence and abuse, grieving difficulties, guilt or anger after the suicide of a loved one or the rape of a child, couple relationships and interpersonal conflicts, personal fulfillment (celibacy, career management, stress management, etc.), behavioral disorders, trauma (accidents, amputations, attacks, war, earthquakes, murder and disappearance of loved ones, etc.).
Examples of categories of people: children, teenagers, women, men, singles, couples, parents, families, gifted or high-potential people, business leaders, military and ex-military personnel, autistic people, Jews and Christians, professional athletes, etc.
Psychotherapy, commonly referred to as therapy or supportive psychotherapy, is treatment by psychological methods. Therapy takes the form of regular sessions. Not only psychotherapists and therapists can organize therapy. Regulations and names may differ from one country to another, but very briefly, anyone professionally or voluntarily working in mental health, psycho-spiritual guidance, or psychological support (helping relationships, personal development, and interpersonal relations) can organize therapies without necessarily using the word therapy, and unfortunately sometimes without being authorized or trained to do so.
The goals of the therapies are:
To help people gradually, healthily, and permanently overcome a difficult experience or a trauma.
Provide a safe place to share feelings, learn to interact better, and find solutions to problems. The discussion is guided by a therapist.
Help people understand and resolve repressed interpersonal issues.
To help people identify and modify negative or irrational thought patterns that cause or may cause suffering and irrational behavior.
Discussions can take place face-to-face, by videoconference, or by telephone. Face-to-face doesn't mean sitting in a room or an office. It could be in a gym or on a horseback ride. Therapies can be individual or in a group, and extend over days, weeks, months, or years. The goal of therapy is to get the patient to modify his or her behavior in order to eliminate or reduce disruptive symptoms. During therapy, the psychologist summarizes previous encounters, listens, questions, and guides the patient in his or her narratives, while observing the patient's reactions and the way in which he or she expresses himself or herself. Psychotherapy can be combined with other therapies, medication and/or sports, creative or recreational activities.
4. The psychoanalyst (doctor or practitioner)
Psychologists and psychiatrists can be psychoanalysts, but not every psychoanalyst is a psychologist or psychiatrist. A psychoanalyst is a practitioner. As this profession is not clearly regulated in many countries, anyone can call themselves a psychoanalyst. Quite frankly, I'm against it, absolutely against psychoanalysis. I repeat I am absolutely against psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis is defined as a method of investigation aimed at understanding the unconscious meaning of behavior. The psychoanalyst claims to use psychoanalysis and exploration of the unconscious to treat neurotic disorders (troublesome behavioral or emotional), particularly those linked to anxiety and stress. They listen to their clients, analyze their speech and try to understand the origin and meaning of their behaviors. To date in France, screening for neurotic anxiety disorders does not require any specific examination. Everything is left to the psychoanalyst's subjective judgment. Psychoanalysis is most often proposed after consultation with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or therapist. In most cases, there are one to three demonic influences behind a mental illness. If, after psychiatry and psychotherapy, the problem persists, there's no doubt that it's spiritual. So we must turn to the word of GOD: know, meditate, confess, understand, and apply.
5. A reminder about illnesses, demonic influences, and deliverance
❖ " All Scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV)
❖ " He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. (Psalms 107: 20, NIV)
A few weeks ago, in the articles 1001 Prayer Topics: #5 and Demons can cause illness, We saw that the causes of illnesses and behavioral disorders can be :
Demonic (presence of one or more demons in the body, demonic attack or sorcery, demonic oppression, curse)
A combination of the above causes
GOD can heal in different ways: revelation of his word, care, medicine, prayer, laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and so on. He can combine the different ways. That's why, whatever the circumstances, we must pray and ask for the assistance of the HOLY SPIRIT. We also know that deliverances and healings (illnesses / physical wounds /wounds of the soul) can be instantaneous or progressive.
Demons have four main ways of gaining access to man (spirit, soul, body): sin, ignorance, exhaustion, and alliances (made by the people concerned, their ascendants or descendants). Added to this is the influence they can exert over certain places and territories through acts committed (idolatry, syncretism, occultism, debauchery, murder, abortion, etc.) or the rejection of the Gospel. Demons can oppress the minds of unbelievers, and the souls and bodies of believers and unbelievers alike. They can also influence circumstances. Many Bible teachers claim that there is at least one demonic influence behind every mental illness and behavioral disorder. I firmly believe this to be true in the majority of cases, but to date, I don't have enough experience to affirm that this is always the case.
Deliverance isn't just about casting out demons. JESUS said :
❖ “ When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” (Matthiew 12:43-45, NIV)
He said when an unclean spirit leaves, not when you are delivered. => Casting out the demon is one step. Filling it is another.
❖ " To the Jews who had believed him, JESUS said, “ If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth [Alethia, Strong#225, Greek] , and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: 31-32, NIV).
He didn't say you'll know the Gospels. He did not say you will mention my name. The word translated as truth is Alethia => (to abide in the truth) through assistance or communion with the HOLY SPIRIT, conscious and walking in the truth (his will).
❖ JESUS answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word [Rhema, Strong#4487, Grec] that comes from the mouth of GOD.’” (Matthiew 4:4, NIV)
He did not say that bread is useless. The word translated as word is Rhema => An appropriate word for each day or circumstance, corresponding to His present will.
6. Psychiatrists and psychologists: yes, but with discernment and wisdom
It's no bad thing to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist, but you have to make sure you listen to your inner testimony and don't accept what's contrary to GOD's Word. This implies taking an interest in what GOD says, desiring his will, and being sincere when addressing him.
Consulting a psychiatrist, psychologist or psychotherapist can be helpful, even necessary. The first step is to ask the HOLY SPIRIT to guide all things, and to ask for the inner witness of His will. GOD gives us all intelligence, wisdom, understanding and creativity, for the healing (soul and body) of the greatest number, believers and non-believers alike. Ideally, Christian psychiatrists and psychologists should be consulted. But :
This is not always possible. It's easier to find psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists in the USA, South Korea, Canada or England than elsewhere.
A Christian professional may be less qualified than an unbeliever. They may also be unavailable.
In all things, we must ask GOD to lead us and show discernment. Being able to diagnose a problem does not mean being able to fix it. Some psychologists work with demons or are inspired by them. Each has the individual responsibility to study and honor the Word for it is the way, the truth, and the life.
❖" All Scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV)
❖ « JESUS answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word [Rhema, Strong#4487, Grec] that comes from the mouth of GOD.’” (Matthiew 4:4, NIV)
❖ JESUS said, “ If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth [Alethia, Strong#225, Greek] , and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: 31-32, NIV).
❖ " Your word [Dabar, Strong#1697, Hebrew] is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. " (Psalm 119:105, NIV)
❖ "For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light." (Psalm 36:10, NKJV)
Four years ago, through my association @Patarge Ton Rhema, I sent books to a woman suffering from a psychiatric illness. If I remember correctly, she was in a psychiatric hospital every week or other week. Noticing that her health was improving much faster than expected, her psychiatrist asked her for the name of her psychotherapist because he wanted to recommend him to other patients.
She didn't have enough income to pay or even advance the cost of consulting a psychotherapist. Because of her illness, she could only work part-time. When she told her doctor that she wasn't in therapy, he replied, "You won't get better that quickly without support. Who's your therapist? I'd really like to talk to him. "She gave him one of the books I'd given her. At the next appointment, he said, "I'm not a Christian, but this book is excellent. Thank the person who gave it to you. If you have several copies, I authorize you to offer them to other patients within this hospital." That same week, @Patarge Ton Rhema,, sent her ten copies of the book in question so that she could offer them free of charge to whomever she wished 🙂 Today, she is no longer ill, she works full time and I dare to believe that those who received these books have been blessed. In all things, let GOD lead you; he makes all things work together for good (Romans 8:20).
7. Psychoanalysis: I'm absolutely against it.
❖ " Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? Will a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey?Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he has caught nothing? Will a bird fall into a snare on the earth, where there is no trap for it? Will a snare spring up from the earth, if it has caught nothing at all? (Amos 3:3-5, NKJV).
I've written above about what I think of psychoanalysis. I'm absolutely against it. That's my personal opinion, not my law. If one day you consider psychoanalysis, my advice is: make sure you have good psycho-spiritual guidance (from the church or a Christian ministry) beforehand.
** Lumela = Good morning in lesotho / sotho du sud (Lesotho, Afrique du Sud)
Suggestions for moving forward (non-exhaustive list)
Manuel Biblique de la relation d'aide, June Hunt
A Manual for Children's Deliverance, Frank Hammon
Tongues of Fire: 101 Supernatural Benefits of Praying in the Holy Spirit, Jennifer Leclaire
God's Psychiatry: Healing for Your Troubled Heart, Charles L. Allen
Abattre les forteresses, Derek Prince
Le counseling biblique et les cas difficiles, Stuart Scott and Heath Lambert
Etre là : Accompagner ceux qui souffrent (Traduction de Being There : How to Love Those Who are Hurting), Dave Furman
Helping Victims of Sexual Abuse: a sensitive Biblical guide for counselors, victims and families, by Lynn Heitritter and Jeanette Vought.
Mental Health: A Guide for Faith Leaders, American psychiatric association
Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality, Gary R. Collins
Overcoming Confusion (Combating Spiritual Strongholds), Rick Joyner
Ils chasseront les démons (traduction de They Shall Expel Demons ), Derek Prince
Pigs in the Parlor: A Practical Guide to Deliverance, Frank and Ida Mae Hammond
Obstacles to Deliverance: Why Deliverance Sometimes Fails, Frank Hammon
Deliver Yourself from Evil, Jennifer Leclaire
Etes-vous débordé ?, Joyce Meyer
John Maxwell - vivre intentionellement
A qui est cet enfant? (traduction de Whose child is this?), Bill Willson (fondateur de Metro World Child)
Du ghetto à la vie, Nicky Cruz
Boundaries : When to say Yes how to say No, by Dr Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Overcoming Crisis : The secrets to Thriving in Challenging Times, Myles Munroe
Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft, Jennifer Leclaire
The Secret To Thriving In Times of Crisis | Dr. Myles Munroe